Milo and the Guardian Angels
Being a public figure on Fox news for so long and now branching out on his own with Tucker Carlson Network on the X platform, Tucker Carlson’s life is more open to outsiders than most. He is normally private about his family and personal life but after a year and a half of reflecting and sharing his demon encounter with religious people and friends he decided to release aninterview where he tells of his demonic vexation experience or as he puts it being ‘mauled by a demon’'.
When asked, “Do you think the presence of evil is kickstarting people to wonder about the Good? “ Tucker responded, “That's what happened to me…I had a direct uh experience with it in my bed at night and I got attacked while I was asleep with my wife and four dogs in the bed and mauled physically by a demon or by something unseen that left claw marks on my sides.”
“I was totally confused. I woke up and I was couldn't breathe and I thought I was going to suffocate and I walked around outside and then I walked in and my wife and dogs had not woken up. They're very light sleepers and then I had these terrible pains on my ribcage and on my shoulder and I was just in my boxer shorts and I went and flipped on the light in the bathroom and I had four claw marks on either side underneath my arms and on my left shoulder and they're bleeding.”
Tucker was baptized as an Episcopalian. He grew up in California in basically a very secular family. In 10th grade, he went to boarding school in New England and started dating the daughter of the headmaster, who was an Episcopal priest. She was a very strong Christian, and still is. Tucker gives her credit for helping him develop his own faith. “She convinced me to take a look at the possibility of there being something beyond me, and I’m glad she did.”
The problem for Tucker was that his Episcopalian roots and his fledgling faith life did nothing to prepare him for an encounter with this level of evil.
“I never heard of anything like that happening before. I had no idea what that was but I knew it was spiritual immediately. I'm not from a, what do they call it? Faith tradition right that um talks about things like that or even acknowledges their existence. Like there's nothing like that. I've never heard anybody say anything like that in my whole life.” He said with a bewildered and disappointed expression.
“The next morning I woke up and I thought that was the weirdest dream I've ever had and then I saw blood on my sheets and I realized that was not a dream at all. I called my assistant who was like the only Evangelical Christian I know well enough to call with something bizarre, like that totally bizarre like that and uh she said oh yeah that happens. Yeah people are attacked in their bed by demons. I was like, What? What are you even talking about? Yeah, so I mean I'm not leaving anything out and um and I'm not pretending to understand that. I can only say what happened to me and that did happen to me.”
Those who follow Tucker know that he is on a faith journey away from Episcopalian theology and more toward the Catholic Faith. In a separate interview with Lifesite news he said, “A lot of my closest friends are Catholic – they’re the most fervent, sincere, on-target Christians I know. As the Church, like, the structure collapses, some of the members of the Church seem even stronger.”
The more Tucker is free to pursue and speak the truth, the more he realizes that the Epsicopalian Church has lost it. “I truly despise the Episcopal Church in a lot of ways. They’re for gay marriage because it’s trendy. It’s another way to express how hip they are. They don’t care at all what God thinks of it, because they actually don’t believe in God. And then the fact that they sanction abortion. Are you joking? A church is for abortion? What?” (1)
Fr Josiah Trenham, an Orthodox priest reflected on how sad it is that some Christians like Tucker are unaware and ill-equipped to handle demonic attacks. “I just recently watched a a short video of Tucker Carlson describing an experience he had a year and a half ago with a demon that attacked him, actually mauled him. He said he had no way to interpret it because he didn't believe in demons. He didn't think about demons. He said in his faith tradition he knew no one who had ever dealt with a demon and it was just not part of his (Episcopalian Church) tradition. As an Orthodox Christian of course that is just so sad and so horrific not speaking about knowing and studying your opponent who wants you dead and in hell is a recipe for Spiritual disaster.” (Youtube channel, PatristicNectarFilms).
In a separate video, Catholic exorcist Fr. Carlos Martins seems to confirm that what Tucker Carlson experienced is known as demonic vexation. He said, "Tucker Carlson appears to have been vexed." Vexation is the stage of demonic influence after temptation and obsession but before possession. Vexation is essentially any kind of brief physical attack or poltergeist event where the demon is allowed by God to physically attack it's victim.
It seems Tucker Carlson and other nominal Christians have been left alone by the devil. There was really no immediate need to know about spiritual warfare. It was only when he became free to pursue and speak the truth that he began to call out the evil and corruption that he has experienced first hand living in and working in Washington D.C. for part of his career as a journalist.
The act of truth-telling in a world full of lies is dangerous. The closer he gets to exposing the devil's plans in this country and the world, the closer evil is to getting back at him. Good for him to tell the truth but he really needs to be equipped with the grace of the sacraments and the apprehension of the deposit of faith before he gets mauled again. We know that God permits ebil in order to bring about a greater good. Tucker, if you’re reading this, congratulations, your journalism is over the target, now make haste to find a Catholic Church and sign up for OCIA.