I don't know how to love Him
Today, in the Catholic Church, is the feast of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The day when the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced that she will have a child and she will call Him Jesus. Luke 1:26-38
Let us consider for a moment the momentous gravity of this event.
Imagine the Angel Gabriel had appeared to you ladies with such news. How would you have reacted? Honestly now. Would you have believed it, let alone agreed to God's request?
I know if an Angel appeared to me right now I'd fall off my chair, let alone entertain a discussion with him.
Mary agreed to God's request and as time went by she knew in advance what was to happen to her precious Son.
Can you imagine yourself knowing what is to happen in your life day by day?
Many people don't understand the Catholics' devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, and often believe that our love for her is wrong and somewhat sacrilegious. They quote bits of the Bible like:
Christ said ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me.’
Or Paul message in his letter to Timothy when he says, "there is one God, and there is one mediator who brings God and mankind together, Christ Jesus."
I'll admit that many Catholics don't understand their devotion to Mary (or the Saints) either. Over the years many confuse devotion for adoration. To be clear, we should worship God alone and there is only one way to God; and that is through His only Son Jesus Christ.
The devotion to the Saints is a sign of respect and love for their role in the life of Christ; and in establishing His Church here on earth. It is not and should not be an act of worship.
The way I see it is this: God chose Mary to be the Mother of His only Son. He obviously had, and still has, high regard for her. Do you think He is upset for the love and respect I have for her?
Or for Joseph? Or any of the other Saints?