The Holy Souls in Purgatory
After our beloved Mother Mary's news of Her pregnancy, She immediately set out on a four-day journey, upon also hearing from the Divine messenger that Her cousin Elizabeth was also pregnant. Now I don't know if you know this, but when first pregnant, morning sickness enters in and you don't feel so good. Mary was quite Young and the transition had to have been the same as all young women experience. As all women experience for that matters. Yes, I truly believe She was blessed with certain graces during this process but still felt the same feelings all of us women feel especially when pregnant. Still, She set out on this journey. Up and down, over the hilly terrain toward Her destination of Her cousin Elizabeth's house. I'm sure She had made servants or maybe even St Joseph, because that was a long ways away. Silently, She carried the Savior of the world within Her. Silently the elation within Her soul rejoiced. Keeping what would become Her habit of keeping all things hidden within Her heart. But the Spirit, this time, would not remain hidden, as the baby, St John the Baptist would leap for joy at feeling Jesus Christ approaching and at the sight of Mary. As all Souls rejoice at the knowledge of Mary's presence in this world.
Every step of this journey was blessed. Every breath Mary took was blessed because she carried within Her womb God's Holy son, Jesus. Her acceptance was the ultimate approval of salvation in agreement with a merciful God that She had been destined for. That we all are destined for. Countless Souls would be saved. Past, present and future Souls. From the moment of Her "Immaculate Conception" to the end of time. Revered as Our Mother.
Our journey can be compared with the hills and land that Her precious body traveled. Tired and weak we come to the realization that our goal is triumphed carrying our Jesus within us. Within our hearts.
Not knowing of the years to come of sadness so great that a sword of sorrow would pierce Her sweet soul, She made this journey. Her prayers were answered with a simple "yes" as so also our hearts should be. In our joys and in our sufferings in all of our triumphs and defeats, we must all rely on a God who remains steadfast in His promise of Salvation to all who believe.
Our journey, like Mary's, can be completed by our surrender to the only thing that is for sure. A God who will never abandon us and who is always ready to bring us to that Eternal place of rest from our journey. Within His loving arms.