The Beginning of the Fall
Maybe you’re waiting for this hectic season to pass. Or waiting for the happy family gathering you know won’t be like a Hallmark movie. Frankly, most of us don’t like to wait for anything. As a people, Americans are always in a hurry for the next thing and are impatient to move on, whether it’s in traffic or the check out line or even Holy MASS! We are in such a hurry that we miss seeing our children’s developmental stages unfold as they mature through childhood, and we more importantly miss our own opportunities for growth. God isn’t finished with us yet, even though we are adults. Every day stuff happens in our lives, and it is God trying to get our attention. Why is that driver so slow, it’s driving me nuts! Is God perhaps saying, slow down, observe yourself, your attitude, your language. You can be better. Or maybe it’s a slow check-out line. How long has that cashier been standing there listening to all those grumblers and still has a smile for you! The old man holding up the line is fumbling with his money because of arthritic hands or doesn’t quite have enough to pay. If you noticed, you might offer help. Oh no, a price check or a broken egg, I’ll never get out of here! What to do!
Why not start up a cheery conversation, start singing Christmas carols or even jump in and help bag! It’s the season of love and giving, so give of yourself, your time, your humor whatever you have. On a softer note, we spend a lot of idol time in our cars. It’s a great time to pray for the travelers around you. How many Hail Marys does it take for the light to change? Don’t just recite, pray with intention. Maybe for those fire fighters flying by and holding up traffic.
We are approaching week three of Advent. Prepare the way of the LORD not Santa. How are you helping the family prepare more appropriately for the Birth of the Son of God as a pitiful, helpless human. What do you offer as your sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving? Some families each forfeit one gift to help the needy or serve Christmas dinner at a shelter or invite someone without family to join yours. Take a widow or widower to dinner. Make a token holiday gift for the neighbors; a candy bar dressed for the Holy event maybe.
Waiting for something goes quickly if we are busy doing for others, rather than feeling sorry for ourselves for what we don’t have or won’t get. Go caroling with a group and spread the cheer. You don’t have to be talented, just joyful and fun loving. Make a joyful noise! There are so many ways we can spread God’s love and hope to those around us. Be a little wild and hand out candy canes at random with a wish for a holy Christmas.
The four weeks of Advent are meant to be a time of spiritual preparation as well as for tinsel and gifts. The good deeds we do will have a lasting effect that you may never know about until you reach Heaven. A smile and good wishes can change a person’s day and maybe their life. Watch “It’s a Wonderful life” and count the good deeds that seemed so ordinary and unimportant but what an impact. Yes, read more scripture, say your prayers more attentively but it’s really about putting prayer into action like the Little Drummer Boy. What can you give him? Resurrect family traditions or start your own. Make holy memories with your family. Take a pilgrimage to visit the Mangers in several churches around you, take pictures and vote on a favorite. Don’t wait! Waiting can be so irritating!