I just recently have come to recognize our beloved Virgin Mary under the title of "Star of the sea." Father Chris Alar, from the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy Church in Massachusetts, gave a beautiful talk on Mary, "the star of the sea". I loved hearing about yet another title of Hers, referring to Her as our true guiding light. The brightest star in the sky is called "Sirious." That is where She resides to guide all who travel by sea. In a sense also the Sea of life. We have but to only look up and see that She is there, protecting all who call upon Her for Her most powerful intercession and protection.
Fisherman, boaters and all who travel the sea, rely on that bright star to lead them especially in their destinations. If they were lost, they would look up at the night sky and search for that brightest star and then would be directed with their boats wherever they needed to go.
The meaning of the "Star of the Sea"has many beautiful qualities. The Souls in Purgatory refer to Mary as the Star of the Sea because she is comforting and guides them to heaven. Saint jerome, in the 5th century translated it as the Hebrews calling Mary "Miriam, which means drop of the sea. In latin, it's , "Stilla Mara", which means Star of the Sea. Because of the peasants, this name was changed to the latter only spelled, Stella Maria. That was their dialect. Peasants are the reason it became "Star of the Sea"
Before GPS, Father explains, the sea bound had to rely on the stars. To navigate, just as our Mother helps us navigate the rough Waters of Life. He said he has met many of the seamen from the television show "The deadly catch" who have a great devotion to Mary. They have realized that the storms of our life, of our passions are equally as violent or can be as violent and quick as the seas. They can come without warning just like the storms on the sea. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux says to call on Mary when the storms and winds of passions arise. "Look to the star",he says, "The star of Mary". When we are tossed upon the waves of pride or ambition or envy or rivalry, we can look to the Star of Mary that illuminates with all brightness. call upon Her always in our troubles. When we are violently assailed by any bad passions, look at the star and call on Mary. Sailors have done this for over 2,000 years he said. Father Chris also says that when he went to Alaska and talked with men from that show " the deadly catch," they had Miraculous medals and Rosaries. Something they never showed on the show.. He said they told him, our Lady is "the star of the sea." The hardest, toughest men you would ever meet. Saying something so sublime.
The stars in the night sky means survival to many who travel the sea. Just like Mary is our survival in the storms of life. She intercedes for us and brings us to Jesus.and calms the storms we experience. Call upon Her in the storms of your life. She will direct you and guide you to save passage.