God of Laughter
Today is Gaudete Sunday, the Advent Sunday of joy and rejoicing. Here in Cleveland, Ohio, it’s a rainy, gray, and gloomy day, and not necessarily a day I feel like rejoicing and singing for joy.
There was a song that struck me yesterday while running errands by Brandon Lake. It echoed my feelings on this Gaudete weekend. The song is called “Hard Fought Hallelujah” and the lyrics speak of a praise of God that is fought for, sung, and given, but not always felt amidst the storms and turbulence of life:
Yeah, I don't always feel it
Yeah, but that's when I need it the most
So, I'll keep on singing
'Til my soul catches up with my song
I'll bring my hard-fought, heartfelt
Been-through-hell hallelujah
And I'll bring my storm-tossed, torn-sail
Story-to-tell hallelujah
'Cause God, You've been patient
God, You've been gracious
Faithful, whatever I'm feeling or facing
So I'll bring my hard-fought, heartfelt, it-is-well hallelujah
'Cause faith isn't proven like gold
'Til it's been through the fire
My head, heart, and hands are feeling heavy
But that's when I lift them just a little higher
– Brandon Lake, “Hard Fought Hallelujah”
How true that is in life especially in times of anxiety, uncertainty, difficulties, and heaviness! Life is often a hard fought hallelujah. Those hallelujah’s don’t always roll off the tongue.
Rejoicing doesn’t always come easy, but we must keep on praising, singing, and seeing God’s sunshine, goodness and graciousness in our lives. We must keep lifting our head, heart, and hands even when they feel weighed down, confused, and frustrated by the circumstances of our lives.
How do we do that? Consider what makes you happy in the Lord. What keeps you rejoicing? For me, it’s song and emotionally-charged worship. It lights my fire when it’s fizzling out. Perhaps today, engage in what makes you happy and rejoice in the Lord to keep that fire from burning out.