As this journey comes to a close, we reflect on what we have experienced, for this journey was like no other. I came not knowing what to find; for I have journeyed many times before, but for me, this time was for you, and my friends.
I heard your cries, and have come to share with you, the words that have been given to me. I start with blank paper and pen. The Lord pushes my pen and gives life to the ink, for the ink is an outpouring of the spirit. The spirit speaks in wisdom and thanksgiving, and has sent me to you in compassion, to proclaim the Lord’s goodness.
For some play musical instruments, and play notes of musical compositions, creating gifted melodies to dance and cry in your heart; so too, like the musician of notes, are WORDS, creating sentences of compositions; words that repeat in the mind, and are felt in the heart, when the eyes again scan their contents.
I am a man of few words, and have listened to the Spirit speak. My thoughts are many, and amplify in compassion; it is best I write them down, as compassion has fermented my thoughts, and are more effective, than speaking them. Like a fine tuned musical instrument, my written words are magical melodies, in tune with my heart.
If my words have touched your heart, and put teaching in your mind, I am grateful; for the spoken word soon fades, but the written word, speaks and speaks, recalling memories. The Spirit has moved my words, like a musical crescendo, increasing in outpouring, week by week. Each note, each word, carries us to the end of our song. And each song is only a prelude to the next; for each one combines into a concert: a concert of spiritual encounters, a chorus of voices, giving praises at each oasis. For an oasis, is a place of isolation, of refreshment, to restore one’s nourishment. In the desert, an oasis is often seen as an illusion, and one must rely on his compass for directions. Whereas, in life, an oasis is your spiritual soul, unseen, but an inward presence of your faith and spirit, within your physical being; for your spiritual compass, has only one direction--the cross of Jesus Christ, the pathway to the eternal oasis, of heaven.
Each journey, each oasis is different--each grows in spiritual development, continuing on to the next. For an oasis is a refuge, separated from all other activities and retains its silence and reverence. In this place, an angel can sit with you, and listen to your heart, and move your spirit, to the greatest of peace. And when you leave this place, your spiritual thirst and hunger will be nourished in compassion; for it is in compassion, you can feel the presence, of an angel’s hand on your shoulder, giving radiance to your soul. For your soul is where your spirit lives, and your spirit gives life to your conscience, in goodness and justice. Your spirit also gives life to your body, to live in harmony with yourself, and create wellness to your bones.
For like the desert sands, which surround an oasis, are ripples cast into the sand by the winds, zigzagging for endless miles; so too, are the ripples of your spiritual soul, penetrating in, or repelling off other people's hearts. For an oasis is life, a place of solitude, and the Lord has created the oasis, in desolate places, with great care and compassion. For a pool of cool water is common of these places, and is filled with the compassionate tears, of the Lord. Also a few trees give shade, an ever presence of our Lord, filling our needs as we travel on our journey.
You also, are an oasis, walking place to place, able to touch hands and move the ripples of your spirit, to the hearts of others; for the heat waves, that radiate and dance from the desert floor, move gracefully in the warmth of the Lord’s spirit, to form your spiritual aura.
For one must also look at his work, and question his efforts if what he has done, has any great effect on anyone or anything. For many have come forward and said maybe; few have come forward and said yes; not many have stayed, and never left. My first journey to an oasis, was in 1976, and my continuous efforts to journey, are unshakable!
Until our eyes meet again and our hearts rekindle in journey, I bid you farewell and leave for home to pitch my tent, and rest for awhile. For I set my white feathered pen down, turn out my lamp and let the spirit of ink replenish. I await our next journey, at another oasis. I love you all very, very much. If the Lord calls any of us home to Him, before our next encounter, remember us to the Father, and prepare a room for us also. I await my redemption into the arms of my Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
Robert J. Varrick