To the Ends of the Earth: Character – Week 2, Day 1 - God's Word is Our Hope
Now a word was brought to me stealthily, my ear received the whisper of it.
Job 4:12
So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, utter in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim upon the housetops.
Matthew 10:26–27
God is ready and willing to speak to hearts weary with failure and burdened by the guilt of sin. In the midst of his deepest struggle, Job heard the faintest whisper of truth from the Almighty God, and it brought him trembling to his knees. When we struggle to be the men we are called to be, we should remember that Jesus longs to step into our lives and respond to our needs with his perfect, superabundant love. This love may touch us in the silent reading of the Scriptures, yet it is so powerful that it will lead us to boldly proclaim the Good News to all the world. It will reveal the truth of God, draw us away from the road of destruction, and lead us back to the narrow path to heaven.
As we seek to become the men God calls us to be, God will speak to us in many ways. He will stir our hearts through his word. He will lift us up through the Body of Christ. The sacraments will strengthen us, and the Holy Spirit will whisper his inspiration into our spiritual ears. We need not look for great and miraculous signs. The greatest sign of Jesus is the cross, where he laid down his life for us in love. As we tune our hearts to listen to that great love, we will hear the still small voice of God gently speaking truth into our lives.
Questions for Reflection
When have you experienced a powerful word from God in a subtle sign? How has it brought you to your knees in awe and wonder?
What has this study been teaching you about crying out to God for deliverance and direction?
How does experiencing the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in God’s grace-filled whispers bring you strength and lead you to greater acts of love in his name?
Praying with Scripture
Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways; and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand? (Jb 26:14)
You can learn more about the To the Ends of the Earth Series HERE
You can watch and listen to this devotion HERE