Dictum Meum Pactum
Dear friends, this is worth repeating, especially at this time of year, because there are many people who do not believe, or even do not want to believe. They have set their mind against believing or even considering the possibility that they might be wrong. It is as if they have made it their life's mission not to believe.
Jesus is the only Son of God and He was born of a virgin as a human here on earth. Fully God and fully human.
Jesus has always existed as a Spirit, just like God and the Holy Spirit - known as the Trinity. He did not begin to exist when He was born here on earth. This is when He took a human bodily form.
When the time was right, God decided to send His Son here on earth as a human so that we might get to know Him personally. To see Him, listen to Him and speak to Him; and to witness His power through miracles and His eternal love for us. He came to build a bridge between God and sinning humanity. To see and know Jesus is to see and know God. There is no way to God apart from through Jesus.
Now God had three choices as I see it.
He could have sent Jesus as a Superman type person. He could have suddenly appeared on a cloud as a grown up human and taught through His powers and miracles. We would have been frightened out of our minds and followed Him through fear and total submission. Hardly the act of a loving Father God, is it?
His second choice would have been to send Jesus as a human baby born of a man and woman. He would have been a holy man just like the prophets or John the Baptist; and no doubt we would have treated Him the same way. Disbelief, derision, mockery and put to death like we did to the prophets.
But God decided to send Him as a union between Divinity and humanity. He was born through the Holy Spirit and a virgin human. A Spirit God made man. And He was resurrected by God as proof and to glorify God Almighty our Creator.
But many do not believe all this, as I mentioned. This is partly through obstinacy and stubbornness and partly because Jesus is not often mentioned in our schools.
He is taught as part of Christianity, Religious Instructions or Sunday school lessons. And if you miss these lessons as not important then you have a whole generation not knowing Jesus albeit they may have heard of Him. Jesus is not taught as part of history. But He is very much a part of human history as Caesar, Pilate, Alexander the Great or any other person you may mention. Even more so than any of them. Jesus changed the course of humanity. He changed time itself and the way we measure it in the calendars. Jesus existed here on earth as a human and claimed to be the Son of God and died for saying so.
Now here's an important thing we may have missed. There is only one other person who knew for certain that Jesus is the Son of God. That is Mary herself. She knew that she had not been with any man and yet she was pregnant with Jesus. Joseph did not know that for certain, nor anyone else. But Mary did.
Over thirty years later, she saw her son arrested, beaten, tortured, and horribly nailed to a Cross and left to die.
Now, if He was not the Son of God, any loving mother would have shouted, "Stop. He is not the Son of God. He is an ordinary man and He is mentally ill. Delusional. Spare Him and let Him go."
But she did not do that. She, and Jesus, went through the whole agony of the Crucifixion because she knew the truth.
Jesus is the Son of God and through Him we go to God.
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