Let Jesus Guide Your Way: Epiphany Reflection
This reflection is taken from the Gospel of Luke, chosen for the 4th Sunday of Advent. It is Luke 1: 39-45.
Today’s gospel gives us an account of what Mary did after giving God her fiat (yes). St. Luke recalls that Mary went out to visit her cousin Elizabeth. He continues by pointing out that Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet summarized Mary's encounter with her cousin by observing, “When one is filled with Jesus Christ, one is at the same time filled with charity, with a holy vivacity, and with lofty ideals, whose execution leaves no time for languishing.”
This moment helps bring Luke’s first gospel to an end, which would propel us to the Christmas story.
One thing that we can observe from this event is what Mary did the moment that she gave God her yes to carry on his will. Mary set out to meet her cousin. Like Mary, Elizabeth was to bear a son despite her old age. Mary spent time with Elizabeth during her time of great need.
Elizabeth had words of love in her proclamation when she saw her cousin coming to visit. We, too, must offer words to those in need. Our words matter.
When we encounter someone who is going through an unplanned pregnancy, our first words must be that of love. When we gather with family during Christmas celebrations, we must also be charitable in how we carry out our conversations with others, especially those who don’t agree with church teachings. One may also consider extending a gesture of love to those who need to feel welcome to events.
Bossuet would conclude with a prayer that permeates how we should look at this account and how our engagements with others should mitigate that of the two pious cousins by saying, “O God! Sanctify our conversations, remove from them curiosity, dissipation, anxiety, dissimulation, and trickery. Allow cordiality and good examples to reign in them.”
Let us express and respond with love to all that we will encounter as we await for Christ to come into our hearts this Christmas.