What is the essential element in marriage?
Let me tell you a lovely story. There was once a man on Christmas Eve who told his wife he no longer believed in this incarnation stuff of God becoming man and he was not going to Midnight Mass. He would stay at home while the rest of the family went. This saddened his wife and children, but they said nothing.
Shortly after they drove away in the car, there was a heavy fall of snow. Minutes later the man was startled by a thud on the window, then another and another. At first he thought someone was throwing snowballs at his house. When he went to the front door to investigate, to his surprise he found a flock of birds huddled in the snow. They had been caught in the storm and in a desperate search for shelter had flown towards the light of his large windows. He felt sorry for these birds and couldn't leave these poor creatures to lie there and freeze.
He thought of the barn where his children stabled their pony. That would provide a shelter, that is, if he could direct the birds to it. Quickly he put on his coat and wellingtons, and tramped through the deepening snow to the barn. Opening the doors wide he turned on the light, but the birds would not go in. Thinking food would entice them in, he hurried into the kitchen, fetched a hunk of bread and sprinkled the bread crumbs on the snow, making a trail from where they lay to the door of the barn. To his dismay, the birds ignored the food. He tried catching them. He tried walking round them, waving his arms. That didn't work, it only frightened them and scattered them in every direction. He then realised they were afraid of him. They did not understand that he was trying to help them. He reasoned, "To them I am a strange and terrifying creature. If only I could think of some way to let them know that they can trust me and that I am not their enemy but their friend. But how? If only I could be a bird, speak their language and tell them not to be afraid. I could make them see, hear and understand and show them the way to the safe warm barn."
At that precise moment the church bells began to ring. The sound reached his ears above the sound of the wind. He stood there listening to the bells and the people singing, "Come to the manger." In that instant the truth of Christ becoming man to save us hit him and tears came to his eyes. He rushed inside his home to change and join his family in Church.
Just how aware are we of the humility of God the Son? That He who was God, equal to the Father, left all His glory behind to become a creature, a man like us? If you had a love for ants, would you become an ant to live among them? I don’t think you would. The gulf between you and the ant would be huge. It would be ridiculous for you to entertain the thought of becoming an ant. Just think of the gulf between God and us. Yet, because Jesus loved us so much He became a man for us. This is the feast we celebrate today, God becoming a man for us. How can we ever thank Jesus for His great love for us?
Today, let us thank our heavenly Father for the best Christmas gift His Son. Let us thank Jesus for the tremendous love He showed us by becoming man. Let us thank our blessed Lady for accepting to be the Mother of God. We can say if there had been no Mary, there would have been no Jesus. She was so important to God. And finally, let us not forget to thank Joseph for the part he played in the Christmas scene.
The co-eternal Son,
A maiden’s offspring see;
A servant’s form Christ putteth on,
To set His people free.”