The Fifth Commandment Part 1
Apparitions of Our Lady – Part 1
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
In a previous article about Thanksgiving, I wrote that I was grateful to our Blessed Mother for taking on the role of Mother of the entire human race. She was commissioned to that role at the foot of the cross where her Divine Son was dying to redeem us from our sins. This writing is to give attention to Our Lady of Guadeloupe. The Blessed Mother appeared to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill in Mexico. Our Lady told Juan that she wanted a shrine built at the apparition site so that she might share her motherly love with all.
Juan went to the bishop and reported all that he saw and heard. The bishop was, of course, skeptical and asked for some type of sign. In the meantime, Juan’s uncle had taken ill, and Juan was trying to find a doctor to help his ailing uncle. Juan traveled a different route from Tepeyac Hill, but Our Blessed Mother intercepted him. Juan then discovered flowers that were out of season. Our Blessed Mother told Juan to pick the flowers, place them in his tilma, and show them to the bishop as proof of his vision of the Blessed Mother. Juan did as he was told and tried to present them to the bishop. When Juan opened his tilma, the flowers miraculously turned into a portrait of Our Lady. This convinced the bishop to build a shrine dedicated to our Blessed Mother.
In the image on Juan’s cloak, Mary appears pregnant. This tells all people that Mary is the mother of all the unborn. Our Blessed Mother is telling us that the child in the womb is a human being and should not be slaughtered for any reason. For his obedience to Mary’s call and instructions, Juan’s uncle was miraculously healed. Many other miracles occurred including the miraculous mass healings of people who were suffering from hemorrhagic fever. Again, Mary wants to be with all of us to prove her love and tenderness. Thousands of pilgrims visit her shrine each year looking for miracles and answers to prayers, and She is considered the patroness of North, Central, and South America. As for Juan Diego, because of him being a faithful dedicated servant of Mary, the Mother of God, another faithful dedicated servant of the Mother of God, beatified him. Saint John Paul II canonized Juan on May 6, 1990.
See what a little faith and obedience can do!!
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.