How to blow away the dust and leave failure behind you?
On this Christmas day let us recall the thoughts of Mary, Joseph and the Lord Jesus as they celebrated that first Christmas day. Mary was tired and exhausted after that eighty-mile journey on a donkey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. There was no room for them at the inn and they had to search for a dwelling where she could give birth to her Child. God never forsakes His own and a cave was found. Joseph would have done everything he could to make the cave warm and homely. He never thought of himself, all his concern was for the comfort of Mary. Provisions would be bought to see them through the night and the following day. A fire would be lit to keep Mary warm. In silence and deep reverence, they awaited the moment of the birth of Mary’s Son. I consider the birth of Jesus to be miraculous. St. Jerome, who lived for many years in the dwelling where Jesus was born, tells us that Mary had no need of a midwife. This was because God respected Mary’s virginity. I don’t think I am wrong in saying that one moment Jesus was in the womb of Mary and the next moment He was in her arms. Just as the sun can come through a pane of glass without breaking it, so too did Jesus come from the womb of Mary with destroying her virginity. Who can describe Mary’s thoughts at that moment? Only a mother who has borne a child can do so. All those nine months of carrying her baby which seemed so long was very worth it. Any suffering she endured during that time was forgotten. All that mattered now was the indescribable happiness she felt. Her heart was so full of joy as she held her cheek beside the warm cheek of her Son. She gently squeezed Him with all the love in her heart.
As Joseph held the Baby with all the tenderness and care he could muster Mary thanked him for all the love and care he had shown her. His heart was bursting with joy. How he loved Mary and he was so pleased to see her so happy. He couldn’t do enough for her and her Child. He would have asked her if there was anything she needed. She was not to hesitate to ask. There was no thought of himself. He just wanted to please Mary.
What were the thoughts of the child Jesus? In one sense He was just like any other baby, crying for attention when He was hungry or in any discomfort. But as God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, at that moment He was being adored by a whole host of angels. He was pleased that by the power of the Holy Spirit He had become Man and had achieved His Father’s plan from all eternity to be loved perfectly by one of His creatures. How He loved and thanked His mother Mary for being the instrument for making this possible. He had a special affection for His foster father Joseph.
Meanwhile in the fields of Bethlehem there were shepherds who were tending their sheep when suddenly the dark night of the sky was lit up by an angel announcing that a Saviour had been borne to them and how they were to recognise Him. When the announcement had been made, he was joined by a choir of angels who sang so beautifully the first Christmas carol, “Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of goodwill.”
Let us go with the shepherds to the manger and offer the gift of our hearts to Jesus in return to the Father who gave us our best Christmas gift, His Son Jesus. We thank Him for this and thank Mary and Joseph for the part they played in making this possible. Having done this, we can now join in the Christmas festivities with all our loved ones and with others we will meet this day.