Take Up Your Cross - Part 1
Mary’s Salutations
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
In a prayer book that I now use, I found a prayer or meditation called, “ The Salutations of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. The prayer or meditation begins “Hail O Woman, Holy Queen, Mary, Holy Mother Of God, you are virgin made Church.” This is a truth of our religion that very few people hear. By Mary accepting the role of Mother of God, She became a living tabernacle for nine months. At the time of Christ’s death and before His resurrection, Mary was the living embodiment of the Church. As a human being, She was filled with grace and the Holy Spirit. No one else on earth could claim that fact. After Mary’s Assumption into heaven, She was crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth. The next part of that meditation relates that the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit chose and consecrated Her. She has received and still possesses all the fullness of grace and every good.
The next six parts of the salutations are all “Hails”. “Hail, His Palace.” I am writing of Jesus when I refer to “His”. Mary is Jesus’ Palace. “Hail, His Tabernacle.” For nine months, Mary fulfilled the passages in the Book of Revelations where a woman clothed with the sun, would give birth to a Male Child destined to rule all nations with an iron rod. “Hail, His Home.” The Blessed Mother along with Saint Joseph created a Home in Nazareth for Him to mature. Throughout His childhood, Mary cared for Jesus with all His intimate personal needs. Joseph took on the role of the breadwinner and protector of both Jesus and Mary. “Hail, His Robe.” After Joseph died, Mary became His protector. You might say that the first person to use the mantle of Mary for protection was Jesus. “Hail, His Handmaid.” Even though Mary was His mother and exercised parental authority over Jesus, She had the dual role of both parent (authority figure) and servant. This is probably why Jesus could explain and show this example to His disciples at the Last Supper when He washed their feet. This is the Master/Servant role learned from Mary. “Hail, His Mother.” Mary had an endless job of motherhood that She still has today.
Get to know this prayer/meditation and say it daily. By doing so, you will praise the Blessed Mother and give glory and adoration to the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.