Football Movies for Super Bowl
It is a source of great amazement, my beloved…how God came down… spending nine months in a womb, not shrinking from such a home; and how a womb of
flesh was able to carry flaming fire…. Just as the bush on Horeb bore God in the flame, so did Mary bear Christ in her virginity….He who measures the heavens with the span of his
hand lies in a manger a span’s breadth; he whose cupped hands contain the sea is born in a cave; his glory fills the heavens and the manger is filled with his splendor.
Moses wished to see his glory but was unable to see him as he wished: let us come and see him today as he lies in the manger in swaddling clothes. Formerly there
was none who dared to see God and still live, but today all who have seen him are saved from second death….
Great is the amazement on this earth of ours that the Lord of all has come down to it: God has become man, the Ancient has become a child, the Master has become like his servants…. Who is it who will not listen to this wonder, that God has come to be born? Who will not be amazed when he sees that the Lord of the angels has been born?