Obtaining God's Forgiveness, And Remaining In The State Of Grace
Are we as Catholics asked to Fear God?
Eileen Renders
Often, we may have heard: “The fear of God.” This may lead us to ask the question within ourselves “Do we fear God, and if so, why?” The Catholic bible may also mention fear of God, but is quick to explain that it is referring to having great respect for Him, and the power that is only His.
God is powerful, and those who disobey His Commandments through evil acts without remorse or repentance may indeed have reason to fear God. For we as His creatures will all one day be judged according to how we lived, loved, and showed mercy for our fellow man. Some may be cast into hell for eternity because they died in sin.
Those who love God and feel His love and mercy in their lives, and love Him in return will grow spiritually. We will become closer in our relationship with Christ and look forward to being with Him in heaven one day for eternity. It is these, God’s children and followers who have no reason to fear God’s wrath.
God does not want us to fear and hide from Him, He loves us and wants each of us to have a special relationship with Him through quiet meditation, prayer and simply sharing our thoughts and needs with Him. Fear is the opposite of trust, our loving God wants us to trust Him, follow Him, and allow ourselves to be led by Christ. In that way, we can trust that the good Shepherd will lead His sheep safely home.
God rewards our faithfulness not just after the final judgment, but also in this world while we are still living on earth. He provides us with joy, peace, wisdom, empathy, and mercy so that we can touch others, inspire them, and bring God’s light into their day.