It is Accomplished
“In every disappointment, great or small, let your dear heart fly directly to Him, to your Saviour, throwing yourself into His arms for refuge in every pain and sorrow. He will never leave you, nor forsake you.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Christmas is a special time of the year. God did not send us a general or a celebrity. He sent us a child and we are no longer alone. However, for some people, Christmas and other holy days, can be a difficult time for various reasons. Sickness, loneliness, distance are just a few obstacles or challenges that people face. We need to remember always, as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton said, that we need to flee to our Saviour.
“An important day in a young person’s life is the day on which he becomes convinced that Christ is the only Friend who will not disappoint him, on which he can always count.” Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul suffered so much disappointment. His mother died, then his brother and finally his father. He was alone by the age of 20. This did not stop him from seeking our Lord. St. John Henry Newman found his way into the Catholic Church. Likely, he alienated his Anglican counterparts when he converted, and as he moved up the ranks in the Catholic church, the watchful eyes likely continued also. St. Clothilde was successful in helping her husband Clovis convert to Christianity. However, she could not resolve the disputes between her arguing children. She decided to move on and help others. Sometimes this is necessary. Bl. Chiara Luce Badano was 17 when she was diagnosed with cancer. She died so young, but she never lost sight of Christ. She wanted what God wanted.
I have but one soul; If I lose it, what good will it be for me to have lived? St John Bosco
Simply put, there are challenges every day. We wake up and need to face a new challenge. From this point on, it does not get any easier. We want a simple life but there are always complications. We need to be accompanied in a journey of faith. It is not so easy to find those people who can and want to accompany us. However, our Lord does not leave us alone. He continues to accompany us. We do not need platitudes and quick answers. We need Christ. I want to cast all my cares upon Him. I will never be disappointed.
“Do not have any anxiety about the future. Leave everything in God’s hands for He will take care of you.” St. John Baptist de La Salle