Why Shall We Continue to March for Life?
When attending Catholic Mass, one may notice a man standing to the right of a priest. He is wearing a special vestment called a dalmatic. That man is known as a deacon.
Deacon is derived from the Greek words diakonia, service, and diakonos, variously translated as servant, helper, attendant, or minister. Phil 1:1 acknowledges the evolving concept of diaconal ministry in the early Church, and 1 Tim 3:8-10,12-13 lists the necessary qualifications for the office of deacon once it had become more formally established.
The deacon can be traced back to the early church, which started with seven. One of the well-known was St. Stephen, the patron of this ministry. The deacon is part of the catholic clergy, like priests and bishops. Its ministry is separated into three dimensions, liturgy, word, and service.
Deacons are seen at Mass assisting the priest or bishop. He would lift the chalice during the consecration, distribute communion, walk around the altar with incense in the thurifer during the high Mass, and read the general intercessions.
The deacon may also baptize, witness, and bless marriages, preside at the Liturgy of the Hours, and preside at funeral liturgies, among many other duties.
During Mass, the deacon would proclaim the gospel and often would preach the homily. He would also say the intercessions in place of the lector. During the Easter Vigil, he will chant a long prayer known as the Exsultet also known as the Easter Proclamation (Latin: Praeconium Paschale) before the Paschal Candle. The deacon teaches in religious education programs, sacramental preparation programs, like baptism, marriage, and RCIA.
Deacons are called to be servants of the world. It is no different when helping families in the parish. He is a minster of charity. He ministers to youth, young adults, and those on the margins.
Deacons can't celebrate Mass, hear confessions, or anoint the sick, sacraments reserved for ordained priests. Holy Orders is reserved for bishops.
As the church celebrates the feast of St. Stephen, take this time to pray for our deacons and pray they continue to carry on the zeal and courage as their patron did in the early church.
St. Stephen, pray for our deacons.