By Mary Olivia Patiño
Safety indoors gives me a vantage point of view
Oak leaves slowly twirl on eve of winter’s cue
Skittering past berries on holly bushes
Bright expanse of glimmering hues
Around the birdbath, tufts of grass peek too
A halo of orange, yellow, bronze, glows
Above, water waits for thirsty souls
I blink for a second, then spy
Below waits another creature
From under its vantage point of view
Hunched, a dash of reddish brown and white
Expectation's perfect pause
Waiting to pounce
Sighing, I know that this lovely tabby
Is acting by its natural instinct
Life is a circle
Birth, death, rebirth
Goodness preyed on by temptation
Waiting to catch unwary souls
Before it’s late: take flight or from sin die
In God’s love only we must delight
God will rescue all who flee from sin
Seeking only Him
For Reflection:
How is the Lord a refuge for you? When have you felt a sense of urgency to seek His mercy, to be rescued by Him?