Marley girl
I forget about "plenary indulgences" periodically until I am reminded of them, such as I have been lately, by my dear friend Shane. She sent me the plenary indulgences for the year 2025 and I am so grateful!
Shane is a mother of a priest. She has nurtured her son Cole, and his vocation with blood, sweat and tears. The final result being, that Cole is an excellent priest and a true apostle of Jesus. His sermons relate to all who listen with need for guidance and for those who are open to our loving merciful God's Holy words. Through her example and the example of his Grandparents, he has seen what the true light of God looks like, therefore becoming another true light in this dark world.
Shane's listening eyes and heart, I'm sure, was a guiding stronghold and assurance to him and his four sisters in times of questions. She has that gift and I am grateful to God that He has allowed me to feel her light also. She is human, but possesses superhuman gifts of understanding, forgiveness and mercy.
The plenary indulgences she sent me are from the "Office of the Apostolic Penitentiary", which are big, when you think of the awesomeness of God's holy Mercy to us all. Just another proof of how much God loves us and wants us to be with Him in heaven. There are so many chances God gives us to follow Him and to also gain heaven's crown and our home, residing beside all of the elect in the true world. I believe God knows how hard and how harder it will be, in future days, to be guided by what is true and real. The snares of the evil one are vast, and we must always keep a watchful eye out for the pits he wants us to fall into. Plenary indulgences can help us avoid those snares, those pits. Because they keep us in God's holy Grace in our dire needs and daily life.
My resolution this year is to try for as many plenary indulgences as I can daily. They are simple, for us who are simple. They include visiting the nursing homes, fasting from feudal distractions, such as television, video games and certain phone apps. They include visiting any local Cathedral, Marian shrine, or other special Churches designated by the Bishop. Any extraordinary work of Mercy, as generous and wholehearted gifts to the poor or visiting prisoners.
Many plenary indulgences such as visiting the cemetery and praying for our beloved dead, having masses said for their triumphant release from purgatory, are others ways which are very great in need of conversion and mercy.
Let us fill our time with good works and love and the plenary indulgences will become plainly just our way of life. Let our "indulgences" be "plenary", that way we may know they are for the honor and Glory of God and the salvation of our souls.