And The First Will Be Last
His Love
Look the morning sun arises
Soon we begin the day’s surprises
Moisture appears in the air
Rain or snow maybe later
Listen the birds have awoken
Chirping squawking and morning doves singing
The deer elk and antelope eat
Rabbits and squirrels chase around their feet
Mountains purple in the dawns soft glow
Gently now the morning wind begins to blow
Trees and grasses sway to the breeze
Its winter yet something’s don’t freeze
Time for us to also leave our bed
Start our day wash up and be fed
But not before we pray
To our Father is how we must start each day
For out of His Love is why all has been given
For out of His Love can our sins be forgiven
Out of His Love did He send His Son
To end death and teach us to love Him and everyone
JFFIII 1/7/25