Prayer for An Increase in Faith
Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6
Prayer to Seek God
You are the difference between apparition and essence
You are reality
unseen yet experienced
intangible but concrete
I am seduced by the world
pulled in every direction
and offered countless paths
all leading away from you
finding You should be easy
but even amongst Your followers
there are disagreements
indefensible evil in their midst
keep me mindful
that men do not always represent You
that we are weak and imperfect
unable to get out of our own way
they would destroy Your name
shield themselves from justice behind it
and use it for personal gain
and leave only Your faithful to defend You
help me to persevere
to always seek Your voice
in the cacophonous rhetoric that surrounds me
to defend You by faith and action
never let me lose sight of You
keep me always searching,
learning and growing in You
so that I might shine Your light upon the world