Unappreciated Help from Heaven - Triduum of Sacred Hearts: First Friday (March 1), First Saturday (March 2) and First Wednesday (March 6) - Don't Miss Out!
Catholic Man Protected His Home From L.A Wildfire Through Epiphany House Blessing
"A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you." Psalm 91:7
This Bible verse emphasizes God's protection and care for those who trust in Him. Amen
(see A Prayer for Those in the Path of Wildfires below)
Catholic man's house in Altadena miraculously spared from fire. He gives credit to God through the gace received from the Epiphany House Blessing.
A Catholic man, who is both a lawyer and a movie producer, blessed his home with Epiphany Chalk and Blessing When a wildfire struck, he evacuated with his family. The following day, he returned to his property to find that his house was the only one spared, standing untouched amidst the surrounding homes that had burned to the ground.
This is a Catholic miracle. There are many people who wrongly believe that many of our traditions and prayers are just wishful thinking or even superstition. But faithful Catholics know that there is tremendous supernatural power in these prayers and traditions.
Please know that this in no way implies that everyone whose house burnt is without faith because even Catholic churches were destroyed. However, it also doesn’t mean that we shouldn't celebrate this miracle.
Learn how to bless your home with the Epiphany House Blessing for 2025 here.
Link to story by Jesse Romero: https://youtu.be/Ksl_YQR8ekk?si=8WEnTQvcfctDJqH3
Let us ask the Three Kings, Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar to pray with us the prayer below.
A Prayer for Those in the Path of Wildfires
The Peshtigo Fire of 1871 remains one of the most catastrophic forest fires in U.S. history, consuming an estimated 1.2 to 1.5 million acres and claiming the lives of over 1,200 people. With temperatures soaring to an unimaginable 2,000°F, the inferno melted sand into glass and whipped the fire into a tornado of flames.
In the midst of this unimaginable devastation, desperate souls sought refuge at the Chapel of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion. This sacred place, where the Blessed Mother had appeared to a young Belgian immigrant, Sr. Adele Brise, became a sanctuary. As the fire raged around them, prayers rose to heaven, and by morning, a miraculous downpour extinguished the flames. The chapel, along with three acres of land previously consecrated to Our Lady, stood unscathed— hope in the face of overwhelming destruction.
For those who are in the path of wildfires, let us lift our hearts in prayer asking for safety, strength, and a quenching of the flames.
Adapted official prayer from the National Shrine of Champion.
O Dear Lady of Champion,
I bring before you now my worries and anxieties. I abandon my attachments to them and place them at your feet. I ask you to hear the deepest longings of my heart as I pray most earnestly for: ____________ (your intention).
Dear Lady, you told Adele and you say to all of us “Do not be afraid; I will help you.” Help me now as I place this intention with complete confidence and trust.
Our Lady of Champion, Pray for us.
Source: Julianne Stanz