St. Andrew Novena
For almost three years, pro-lifers have had their work cut out on how to navigate a post-Roe society. A Pandora's box opened since the Dobbs decision overruled Roe v Wade. This came in the form of pro-abortion legislation attempting to be passed at the state level. It has happened during the last three election cycles and more will come if pro-lifers don’t take up the gauntlet to protect God’s precious infants. Even word got out that the No. 1 cause of death in the world is abortion. Abortion has accounted for 65 million in America since 1973.
Thankfully, three states hold a strategy to ensure that life is protected from the moment of conception. For example, Florida defeated amendment four which would have overruled state law on abortion. Thanks to the steadfast courage of Governor Ron DeSantis, the amendment never saw the Florida sunshine or was even enshrined into state laws.
Pro-lifers must understand that Dobbs wasn’t a decision to end all abortion laws. Rather, it presented a challenge to double our efforts. It may be easy to vote out pro-abortion politicians on the civic, state, or federal. Then again, it is not. Abby Johnson said time and time again that abortion won’t end in legislative halls, but when every person sees the reality of abortion, and that they have a “change of heart.”
For sixteen years, I have been on the lines of the spiritual battle. I was a senior in high school when I attended my first March for Life in DC, just days following the inauguration of Barack Obama. I first stepped into the breach in April of that year outside of a Planned Parenthood with peers and seasoned pro-lifers.
Every time I am out there, I engage in a spiritual fight. Unlike soldiers we see in the movies or shows with rifles, knives, and the best equipment needed for every possible tactical decision, I go there with my rosary, literature to give to abortion-minded mothers and even workers, prayerbooks, worn-out prayer sheets from previous outreaches (they’ll be donated to a pro-life museum one day), and even Jesus in my heart.
For those on the fence, it is time to step out of one’s comfort zone. It may be easy to say that one is pro-life. Yet, it is another to put one’s conviction into practice.
Our faith must be put into action. It may be easy to contribute to the homeless. It is the same when we dedicate an hour or two a week to give a voice to the voiceless.
Every pro-lifer can’t just say that they are “pro-life” by attending the March for Life, fundraiser for a local coalition or pregnancy, and thinking that it’s enough. More needs to be done.
I want this to be a rallying cry for men and women of faith to step into the breach, save lives, learn pro-life apologetics, and take action for the protection of life.
I challenge every person reading this to put their pro-life convictions into action. When our time on earth is over, we want those victims of the bloodiest scourge of world history to vouch for us on Judgment Day that we were giving voice to the voiceless while doing our part to change hearts and minds.
Step up to the plate and defend life through word, deed, and action.