What is Purgatory?
Way back in Season 10 (Episode 14) of the television show Blue Bloods, the detective character Danny (son of the police commissioner played by Tom Selleck), made this statement:
"Don't rehearse for bad news."
I don't remember the context of his comment, but it stood out for me because I think many of us do "rehearse for bad news."
My husband, who worked in the medical field, always had a different saying, which I really appreciated:
"Don't worry until you have something to worry about."
Now he wasn't advocating worrying, of course, but his reminder always helped me whenever I "rehearsed for bad news." It's pretty much pointless to worry when you don't even have all of the necessary information, not to mention any control of the outcome!
Whatever you are worried about today, sit quietly with our Lord, and through prayer, spiritual reading, or even inspirational podcasts, receive the peace and calm he is always ready to give.
Try to stop your hand-wringing and remember that he is with you, right now, in this moment, no matter what you have to face.
I have never found one, single, thing that my worrying changed, but I have often experienced an interior tranquility when trusting in God's grace.
Have a blessed day.
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Janet Cassidy
Email me at: jmctm2@gmail.com