It's Hard to See Jesus in Our Catholic Schools
Pope Francis has repeatedly dismissed those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) as “rigid” and even went so far as to suggest that we’re “mentally imbalanced.” He’s also questioned why we’re so drawn to something he claims we don’t understand. Let’s unpack this absurdity.
First, let’s address the “mentally imbalanced” accusation. If valuing reverence, beauty, and the sacred in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass makes me mentally imbalanced, then sign me up. The truth is, the TLM fosters a deeper connection with Christ and the Eucharist precisely because it emphasizes these very qualities. The priest doesn’t perform for the people; he offers the sacrifice of the Mass facing Christ. The prayers are steeped in scripture and tradition, reminding us of the sacred mystery unfolding before our eyes. This isn’t nostalgia—it’s faith.
Rigid? No. Faithful? Absolutely.
As for being “rigid,” let’s be clear: standing firm in the faith isn’t rigidity; it’s obedience to Christ. This insult, aimed at TLM Catholics, reveals a complete misunderstanding of our motivations. We’re not clinging to the TLM out of stubbornness or some obsession with the past. We’re drawn to it because it reflects the fullness of our faith. It lifts the soul to God in a way that so many Novus Ordo Masses—riddled with liturgical abuses, irreverence, and banalities—simply don’t.
The irony of calling TLM Catholics rigid is staggering when you consider how rigidly this Pope has tried to suppress us. He’s gone out of his way to excommunicate bishops like Strickland and crack down on TLM communities while tolerating pro-abortion politicians and priests like Fr. James Martin, who promote woke ideologies. Who’s the real rigid one here? It seems the Pope has no tolerance for Catholics who are serious about their faith.
“You Don’t Understand What You Want”
Francis also claims we’re chasing after something we don’t understand. Really? Let me tell you what I understand:
I understand that the Eucharist is the Real Presence of Christ—body, blood, soul, and divinity.
I understand that 99% of TLM attendees believe this, compared to less than half of Novus Ordo Catholics.
I understand that the TLM emphasizes reverence for the Eucharist, while many Novus Ordo Masses have reduced it to a casual, watered-down pseudo-Mass.
Francis’s condescension is insulting to the very people who love the faith and the Church enough to fight for it. We do understand what we want, and we want the Mass that has been the cornerstone of Catholic worship for centuries. The Mass that saints attended. The Mass that formed the martyrs. The Mass that embodies the sacred.
The Real Crisis
The real crisis isn’t TLM Catholics—it’s the leadership of the Church. The Eucharistic Revival initiative is necessary only because belief in the Real Presence has plummeted under the very leadership that’s attacking traditional Catholics. The Novus Ordo, for all its intentions, has fostered this crisis by stripping away reverence and mystery. And instead of addressing this, the Pope vilifies the faithful who want to restore it.
What’s worse, the Church is running out of priests. Meanwhile, TLM communities are overflowing with vocations. Young men are desperate to join the priesthood if they can celebrate the Latin Mass. But instead of nurturing this growth, the Vatican slams the door in their faces. It’s baffling—and frankly, it’s reckless.
Our Church Needs Tradition
Pope Francis may not understand why we want the Traditional Latin Mass, but that doesn’t mean we’re wrong. The TLM is not just a relic of the past; it’s a lifeline for the future. It’s not about rigidity—it’s about faithfulness. It’s not about nostalgia—it’s about reverence. And it’s not about misunderstanding—it’s about seeing the beauty and truth of what the Church is meant to be.
So no, we’re not mentally imbalanced. We’re faithful Catholics who want to worship God with the reverence He deserves. And if the Pope can’t see that, maybe he should take a closer look at the damage caused by the very reforms he insists we blindly accept.