The Energy Of Creation
How Do We Share in the Glory of God?
Eileen Renders
What is the glory of God that we praise and sing about? The Catholic Bible refers to the glory of God as His holiness, power, majesty, and His manifestations through the manifestation to Moses, the prophets, and Abraham. In the New Testament, there are references to how God is represented by Divine Majesty, truth, and goodness.
God created us and sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to come to earth in the same likeness as us. We praise and worship God through prayer, and offer gratitude for the Son’s sacrifice to save us from sin.
How then can we interpret that we will one day share in the glory of God?
We who are sinners, humans who fall short of deserving the glory that belongs only to God? There are many affirmations in the Catholic bible referring to how this can occur. It states that the faithful will one day share in the glory of God, and this happens through their participation in the fellowship of Jesus Christ, their perseverance, and their desire to know and understand God better.
The Catholic Resource Center (CERC) further states: The glory of God in a sense can mean (1) the divine protection and (2) the praise and glory creatures give to God because of His glory.
There is much written throughout the Catholic Bible as to the miracles Jesus performed while on earth out of His love for His creatures, us humans. The promise of one day sharing in His glory however, is not offered to those who do not follow His word, and as it is written (above) is offered only to those who are involved in the fellowship of working toward knowing Him and spending time with Him. The ideal way if we look at His Commandments, is to go to Mass, frequent the sacraments, pray, and who are living by His example. They are the people whom God will invite to share in His glory.
Again, how will we realize we are sharing in God’s glory if we are invited to share in His glory? In visualizing this occurring in our lives, perhaps others might see or hear through our words, or actions that God is in us as we are in Him. He is working through us for the benefit of others. For it is true, that God sent His Son to earth to save us through His example, His teachings, and most of all through His love, mercy, and forgiveness, thus the institution of the sacraments.
It is true how that none of us are entitled to share in the glory of God, however, our loyalty, and earnestness in focusing on Jesus, and keeping Him our priority in life may be exactly those whom God will invite to share in His glory.