A Mother's Prayers are answered giving us Two Great Saints and a new Marian Feast Day
To my surprise, I just saw that the my submission and publication count in the CATHOLIC365 archives has reached 100. Prior to my seeing the blog count I had asked our editor at CATHOLIC365 if I might do a slight bit of book promo and I was told--"YES". SO, as I celebrate 100 blog posts at CATHOLIC365, here is a bit about me as an author and my latest book.
In addition to commentary and blogging, I am an author. Not many people know that and I realize that I am just one of MANY, MANY people writing books. I mention it here because I have journeyed down a road not many folks take these days---My genre is YA Catholic Fiction. (If you are not familiar with the acronym YA, it stands for Young Adult. My first novel, The Priest and The Peaches, was (to my dismay) classified Historical YA. It is based on a true story and takes place in the 1960s, making it 'historical", and it was about orphaned kids, making it YA. I still believe it is a goodread for all ages but--that's me. (This book has received the Catholic Writers Guild's Seal of Appproval)
This was followed by The Demons of Abadon, which is the sequel. However, this book takes a turn and goes into the paranormal. It has only been out for a month so it has not had a chance to be evaluated. But I work hard at staying "CATHOLIC" with my work and this book (which is strictly fiction) is true to our faith. Yes, it is scary. Yes, it is about GOOD vs EVIL. And yes, in our Catholic world, GOOD conquers EVIL, is not easy.
That's all I have. The link below is to a promo for the book.
http://slipperywillie.blogspot.com/2016/04/the-demons-of-abadon-cover-preview.html or just go to Amazon
This is to my site http://slipperywillie.blogspot.com
Lastly, I wish to thank the folks at Catholic365 for allowing me to post this. And I also want to aknowledge all the Catholic writers everywhere who are trying their best to defend the faith we all love and are doing it the best we can in an overtly secular world.
God bless you all.