My Confession and Penance
It was five days before Christmas, Father Ignatius drove into the car park and was about to enter the Parish house when he noticed a man standing by the Church door. He walked up to him and the man asked: “Have you got something for me to eat?”
He was in his fifties perhaps, although he looked much older. Unshaven, wearing dirty clothes with tears down the pockets, an open shirt revealing skin that had not been washed since who knows when, and shoes with no socks.
“I’m not from around here …” said the man, “just got off the train. I hid amongst the cows and no one saw me …” he continued with a grin revealing missing teeth.
The smell of his clothes certainly testified to the fact that he slept amongst cattle, thought the priest.
“I think you’re in need of a good warm bath,” he said without thinking, “follow me …”
He took the man into the Parish house, led him to the bathroom and filled the bath with hot water. He then brought a large plastic bag and asked him to put all his clothes inside it. “I’ll try and find you something new to wear. We’ll have to throw your old clothes away,” said the priest as he left him to it.
He then looked through his own wardrobe and found a few bits and pieces which he no longer needed; and complemented these with other items of clothing donated by parishioners for the monthly jumble/rummage sale.
Half an hour later the man was clean and dressed, minus his shoes. The priest noticed that his toe-nails had not been cut for ages. So he sat him down, went down on his hands and knees and cut his nails for him; for it was obvious the man could not even bend down and do this for himself.
He then took him to the kitchen and prepared a lovely meal of fried eggs, bacon, sausages, black pudding and fried bread; followed with coffee and toast and marmalade.
It was getting rather dark by mid-afternoon when the man finished eating; so Father Ignatius drove him to the St Bernard Shelter for the Homeless at the other side of town.
On his way back Father Ignatius could not get the man out of his mind. “What a miserable place this town is,” he thought to himself, “high levels of unemployment , businesses shutting down, people losing their jobs and their homes even. I wonder how many are sleeping rough this Christmas …”
His thoughts then turned to his parishioners. “This is definitely the poorest Parish I’ve been assigned to,” he thought as he drove home, “I wonder how many of our old folk will have a miserable Christmas, sitting at home with little if anything to eat.” And the names of his old and poor parishioners kept coming to mind as he drove mile after mile.
He was determined to do something about the old folk in his congregation so he decided to invite those whom he knew to be alone and with little money to a Christmas dinner at the Church hall.
He rushed to his office and started by writing a list of people he’d invite. A few minutes later and the list ran to twenty-seven people, all elderly, all poor, all of them he knew very well would spend Christmas day alone in their homes with little to celebrate.
He then started another list of what would be needed to prepare a lovely Christmas meal and to his dismay it totalled over £100.
His dream was shattered in an instant. Where was he to find such a large sum of money? The Sunday collections hardly amounted to twenty pounds or so a week and every penny was needed for the up-keep of the church, the Parish house, the car and sundry other expenses.
He decided to stop thinking about this project and went to church to celebrate evening Mass.
The next morning there was a large brown envelope in the letter box with Father Ignatius’ name written on it in large letters. It had been hand-delivered as it did not have a stamp or postmark. Just his name in bold capitals.
He took it to his office and on opening it he found it contained £150 in bank notes.
There was nothing to signify who had sent it; but it was obviously for him as the envelope had his name clearly written on it.
He did hold his Christmas party for the old folk that year; but he never found out who sent him the money.