Advent Of Hope
New Testament Book: Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians
Who was it written for? The church in Thessalonica. Paul and Silas had to flee from Thessalonica because they were in danger. Now Paul was concerned that new church would lose faith because of all the hardships and tribulations they were suffering due to their conversion. Thus Paul wrote them a letter of encouragement, praise and instructions to strengthen their faith. Paul sent the letter with Timothy.
What were the main challenges they faced? The new church was made up mostly of Gentiles and some Jews which reflects the population of Thessalonica. The converts were opposed by both these groups, the larger group of pagan worshipers and the smaller group of traditional Jews who resented the new church. They suffered much due to this clash.
What were some of the important lessons taught? 1. Paul told the Thessalonians that the suffering and hardship they have to endure is God’s plan for His people. Paul reminded them of his own hardships and especially of what Jesus had to endure and that their endurance of these hardships is making them worthy of the kingdom of God 2. Paul warned them not to associate with those that might take them away from their faith 3. Paul warned them against idleness and that each should earn their own bread 4. Paul explained the 2nd coming of Jesus and told them not to be excepting this to happen too soon.
What was your favorite part? Throughout the letter Paul praises the people of the church of Thessalonica and expresses his love for them. He tells them that he boasts about their patience and faith to other churches. Paul says this prayer for them “…that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him according to the Grace from God.”