Transfiguration Moments
Like many people, I have felt aches and desires for more in my life. Despite loving relationships, a fulfilling career, and a growing spiritual life, I often still feel an emptiness – a pull if you will. A desire that goes unfulfilled, that others just can’t satisfy.
For many years, this desire was difficult to understand and reconcile. As time has gone by, I have realized that ache is for an infinite, unbroken love – for complete and eternal union with God. I have also come to understand that God aches for this complete union with us as well.
I recently attended a talk on Theology of the Body given by Christopher West, which was one of the most compelling presentations I have heard. One of the central messages of the evening was that God desires such an intimate union with us that He wants to marry us. In fact, as Christopher stated, “The whole goal of our life is to get drunk on God’s love.”
Consider that. God wants to marry you. He wants your entire life and for you to be filled with His love and goodness so that your emptiness is no more. God wants to fill all of your desires.
We are so beloved to the Lord that He wants us to have such an intimate union with Him, even surpassing the fulfillment and pleasures of a union we have with a loved one. Most of us can’t comprehend this incredible love He has for us. Think about the person you love most in your life. God's love is infinitely greater than that.
The next time you feel that ache for more, may it be an invitation. You are God’s beloved and He has placed a desire in you that will only be filled with Him. Will you let Him in? Will you let Him fill you, be your all, and satisfy you in ways that even your loved ones can't?