First, you pray!
Life with Jesus is an amazing and incredible journey. There's purpose in everything and He is miraculously simple in revealing His love to me. Nothing is ever wasted or unwanted. It's myself that chooses to think that He will never love me, or that He will punish me, when I do something wrong. God is love and mercy.
Life with Jesus is the only fulfillment that I've ever known because there is nothing that compares to it. There is nothing and nobody that has ever drawn me away from Jesus, but there is always one that tries. Life with Jesus is not having sunshine filled days but it's often bearing the darkness and difficulties, because my hope is in Him. Life with Jesus doesn't mean that I've had every answer handed to me, but that I have struggled spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally to find the answers that would lead me to Jesus. Life with Jesus has been the most fulfilling, especially when I am making a sacrifice, even something that is small and simple because it's an emptying of myself to be filled with Him.
Life with Jesus is not being empowered to stand up to everyone and everything that is wrong in the world. Life with Jesus is to accept the place you are in now and serve those who are right in front of you, whether it's someone in your family or helping a stranger. Life with Jesus is not a contest or race, but trusting Him that all is His will and being at peace where ever you are. He can never be measured by time. I hardly ever understand what Jesus is telling me, but I do what I feel Him calling me to do and I go where I feel Him leading me, without even having a clue to why He wants it. I often say, "I want what you want Jesus.' If I hear Him say, "Follow Me." There is nothing that can stop me, but there is one that always tries.
Life with Jesus is a daily spiritual battle with the world but it's also a constant reminder of how much I desperately need Him. Life with Jesus is a constant struggle to give more and more of myself to Him. Life with Jesus is thanking Him, with all that I have every day, for the sacrifice of Himself for us. Life with Jesus is realizing how precious He is in our priests and in the sacraments. What would we do without the sacraments? But if we had no priests, then how would we be able to receive the sacraments?
My life with Jesus has been the most intimate and precious relationship and is infinitely beyond my comprehension. How could He love me so much when I fail Him every day? I love Jesus and I know I am not worth His love, but I try. It's incredible that He knows every reason why my soul and heart were broken. He knows every single sin that I've done during my entire life that separated myself from Him. He knows my pride. He knows my selfishness, laziness, and sinfulness. He knows the intentions and motives of every thought, word, and act that I've done in my entire life. He knows that during the day I forget about Him. Still, He loves me. He forgives me. He calls me. Most days I can't look Him in the eyes, but in a glance, He reveals an overwhelming love He has for me. Through all my foolishness Jesus loves me.
Life with Jesus is realizing that I am not my own, but His.