A Sweet Experience of Jesus' Sacred Heart
Sunday. It’s the Lord’s Day. A day for resting, relaxing, and experiencing the peace of Christ.
Years ago, Sundays were often a day for catching up on work, preparing for the week ahead, shopping, or doing something fun. The only thing holy about Sundays was my obligatory trip to Mass, and it began to feel very hollow.
I decided to try to dedicate Sunday to God. After all, it’s His day. I set aside a few hours on Sunday to encountering God through contemplative prayer. Sometimes I visit a nearby lake. Other times, I lay quietly listening to the birds chirp outside. I may journal, read a spiritual book, listen to a reflective song, or take a long walk. Whatever I do, the time is focused on the Lord.
It’s become a true gift – the one time every week I feel at peace and in the presence of God before the busy chaos of life starts up again on Monday. The tension dissipates. My head is clear. His beauty surrounds me. By Monday evening, I’m longing for Sunday again.
I once heard that each Sunday is a mini-Resurrection. It’s a time to soak in the joy and peace that Christ provides to sustain and strengthen us in our work and service. It’s a day to experience a glimpse of our heavenly home where we will rest someday.
Consider going deeper on the Sabbath, and may the peace present in each Sunday and every day be with you.