The Real Target of the Trans Movement: The Family
Let’s first off say it’s rather uncomfortable to talk or hear about sex from anybody you respect, like your parents, a teacher, and especially a priest.
Not that it isn’t in a priest’s duty to talk about temptations of the flesh. In fact, as certain sins arise from the subject it can’t be avoided. But at least one hopes for some discretion so you don’t get eighth grader in health class nervous laughter or college sophomore in PC indoctrination class mortification.
Which brings us to the Holy Father.
He is the Supreme Head of The Church on Earth and his position as such should render him due fealty on matters of doctrine. Key word being “due”.
That being said…
I do wonder about the pontiff’s extraordinary ability to escape whatever discipline his exasperated media handlers try to impose, duck down a rhetorical dark alley and puckishly pop up with one-liners better suited to a daytime cable television host than to the leader of a billion original Christians.
The latest is his Obama-reminiscent airborne lecture on how The Church should apologize to gays. He followed that up with a nod to feminism and, as a special bonus, negated Augustine’s Just War Doctrine by blithely advocating The Church apologize for “having blessed so many weapons.”
Oh yes, mean bad weapons. The objects themselves killed people independent of human control. Uh huh. And I guess it was just good intentions, not mean bad weapons in the right hands, that liberated multitudes from certain death in Nazi extermination camps. It must have been proper grooming that saved the Christian West from various heavily armed VBS-like field trips launched by our Mohammedan neighbors to the south.
It seems history is not the strong suit of His Holiness.
In fact, if not for such weapons, I’m thinking broadswords and crossbows mainly at places like Tours, there could be no papacy and today’s Pope Francis (Ergo, our alternate history’s Father Bergoglio) would be leading a “Rage Against Commercialism” sit-in ex cathedra of a downtown Buenos Aires Starbucks.
I digress.
The thing is that people are defined by more than whom they sleep with and for the Pope and the chattering classes to natter on and on about sexuality ignores so many of those factors that it misses the divine point of the human condition by a longshot.
To ignore my last point, Catholics should have no intrinsic animus towards gays or anyone else. But we should have quite a bias against sin. And like it or not, we believe in a faith, and the Pope leads a faith, that clearly states that the homosexual act is a sin. We are bound to that by both scripture and tradition. This day and age, we are bound to it in defense of the family against those who would destroy it.
It is so because The Church recognizes that promulgation of a radical LGBT agenda and other poisoned fruit of the sexual revolution are threats to the divinely inspired natural order. They strike at our very nature.
Do we hate gays like a Westboro Baptist loon? Of course not. Should we offer them the grace of our faith? Yes. But do we enable the sin by the soft rationalizations of well-meaning cant? Is it for one single pope out of many to overturn eternal word for a nice write-up in the Style section of the Washington Post?
Thus we can hope the Pope begins to consider his words in a more prudent fashion.
If he doesn’t’?
Cardinal Sarah, call your office.