There is a war over you!
We have such grand ambitions and want to do great things. By doing so, we miss the little things that we should or could be doing. We miss that little things done with great love are great things. This concept comes from St. Therese of Lisieux, better known as the Little Flower.
She aspired to do great things. She wanted to be a missionary who traveled to bring others to Christ. Such were her ambitions, but she was unable to fulfill them. As a cloistered nun, she did the little things with great love.
“Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? Great deeds are forbidden me. The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions for love.” – St. Therese
She would give up little things, like a good conversation to show Jesus that she loved Him more. She strived to do every little thing for Jesus. We strive to do great things for great purposes, but we miss all of the little things that we could do. Surely, those little things can be great things, if we give them love.
We all are capable of doing little things with great love. And if we are faithful in little things, God will surely give us greater things. St. Therese was faithful in little things and now she is the patron saint of missionaries and a Doctor of the Church. Certainly, she did great things!