Mary Magdalene, the Soul of Us All
“You will show me the path to life.” (Psalm 16)
This morning we came early to Mass to pray the rosary; we were surrounded by those called “gray haired souls,” of which I am now one of them. They shuffled into church via walkers, canes; one had a cap which read, “Freedom is not free.” On the side of the hat was an small American flag.
I wondered if this is what St Paul had in mind when he said to the fighting Galatians (5:1): “Brothers and Sisters, for freedom Christ set us free, so stand firm and do not submit to the yoke of slavery.” No, this referred to following the truths of Christ, not the norms of Mosaic Law. Indeed, the Spirit of truth and righteousness had arrived with Jesus Christ; His truths are more than human law. These souls are witnesses to faithfulness.
Fifty-two years ago three young Jewish men were killed in Mississippi because they were attempting to register Negroes as voters. Following their conscience they were, but it’s not the same: human truths of conscience making man’s law just, are not the same as living the truths of Christ, which lead to eternal life. Christ’s truths are always above man’s laws.
Dorothy Day, Caryll Houselander, left men they lived with and loved because the men were not free to marry them. Their choice to follow Christ as their true love bore Christian fruit which we enjoy today. They would agree- freedom is not free, not without consequences, but the reward is eternal life.
As I look at the elderly souls patiently, religiously praying the rosary, I wonder: What were their spiritual moments of decision, their struggle to follow the truths of Christ?
Did they search for someone to tell them it was ok to take birth control pills and then receive communion?
Did they have to deny their faith truths in business practices?
Today we are surrounded by a lessening of moral lifestyles leaving young souls, green in the practice of their faith, yet asked to make eternal choices. Never has the need for grace of the sacraments been more evident in order to live by the Spirit. The next generation will need good voices, good models, to lead them.
Today in the psalm response, I heard the next generation’s true answer. “You are our inheritance, O Lord.” (Ps16:5a)
The prayers and hopes of St Paul to all generations were voiced. Amen!!!