My Sleeping Saint Joseph Statue
One of the things I did in my last job was to listen to people. I would hear their concerns without comment. Sometimes I’d even put my hand over my mouth, to remind myself not to speak.
I’ve taken this to social media also. When someone posts something on Facebook, I try to answer with kindness and support. I’m getting better at listening, but I also realize that I, too, want to be heard.
We are all familiar with the scripture from 1 Samuel 3:10 that reads, “the Lord came and stood there, calling out as before: Samuel, Samuel! Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” For the past couple of weeks, I’ve heard in my head, “Listen, for your servant is speaking!”
It’s not that I think God does not hear my prayers. I have proof that he does. I get answers in small increments. My petition might not be fully resolved, but I know He hears me. At night I pray in gratitude for the partially answered prayers I received during the day.
“Hear My Soul Speak” shouted at me from the shopping channel. (I only had it on for background noise - *cough*) What? I looked up to see a ring being sold with that phrase engraved around it. Shortly thereafter, I came across the bible verse, “Give ear and hear my voice!” (Isaiah 28:23). I stared at that short scripture verse for such a long time, my eyes starting to fill with tears. After all my efforts to be a good listener, I too, wanted to be heard. It’s what we all want.
Whether it’s within our own family, with our co-workers or even God, we all want to be heard. We want someone to just listen, not judge, or offer advice or make comments - just listen. It’s probably the best gift we could give to anyone.