The Sweetness of Humility
Dear Father,
I appreciate the homily you gave on Purgatory last Sunday. I know many people struggle with a belief in Purgatory especially since our separated brethren don’t believe Purgatory is real.
Going back two weeks before this, you gave a homily on St. Thomas. You mentioned how to this day St. Thomas is called doubting Thomas. You told us that the fact that St. Thomas doubted Jesus had risen from the dead, was not a bad thing. We also remember his beautiful acknowledgment of the Risen Christ in his words, “My Lord and My God” which we proclaim every Mass when we find ourselves in the face to face with Jesus. You told us that it’s okay to doubt. You added that when we have doubts about Catholic beliefs and teaching, we need to learn the truth. This is important and not too difficult to do. Our doubts should lead us to learn the truth. In this way, it’s helpful to doubt. Checking the Catechism is a good way to learn the truth. Father, when you gave your homily on Purgatory, you read from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Sometimes after Saturday evening Mass, I go out to dinner with my some friends. We went out after your St. Thomas homily and discussed it. They all agreed that they liked the part about it being okay to doubt. And 2 weeks later at dinner, we discussed your homily on Purgatory, Lilly said she doesn’t believe in Purgatory. I wondered about this and asked if she ever checked to see what the Catechism says. She hadn’t. I reminded her of what you said that when we doubt, we need to take the next step and learn what the Church teaches. She may have forgotten that part.
Because too many Catholics deny Purgatory, I was especially pleased with your homily last Sunday so beautifully explained.
One last thing. I love this line from you, “May all those who have died be purified by the burning fire of Christ’s love.” And I’m pleased that we pray for the dead at every Mass.
Thanks and God bless you on this beautiful day. Kathy
For more about Purgatory I recommend a good, short and concise yet inclusive book on Purgatory. You can get the book a free download book or it can be purchased for 99 cents on you Kindle. or search
Purgatory 101: Everything You Wanted To Know About Purgatory Kindle Edition