True Story Of Gentleness And Forgiveness
For Love of Jesus!
You are my Almighty God!
You are my Beauty! My Beloved! My Blessing!
You are Christ Crucified! Creator of Heaven and Earth!
My Dearest! My Delight! My Desire! My Devotion!
My Faith! My Forever! My Forgiveness of sins.
My Glory! My Goodness! For You are my God!
My Happiness! My Healing! My Heart! My Heaven! My Holiness! My Hope!
My Immortal One! The Incarnate Word of God!
My Jesus! My Joy! My Justification!
Praise to the King of Kings!
You are the Lamb of God! You are Life! My Life! You are the Light of the World! My Light! My Longing! My Love!
My Majesty and my Lord! My Most Merciful One!
My New Heaven and New Earth! My New Jerusalem!
My One and Only Omnipotent God!
My Passion! My Patience! My Peace! My Perfection! My Promise! My Purpose!
You are the Son of the Queen of Heaven and Earth!
My Redeemer! My Refuge! My Resurrection from the dead!
For You are my Salvation! My Sanctifying Grace! My Savior! You are the Sweetness of my Soul!
My Treasure! My Truth!
My Unending Love, Mercy and Compassion!
My Victory Over Death!
My Wisdom! My Wonder!
My Exalted One!
My Yearning!
My Zeal! For without you I have no zeal!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I Love You!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Thy Kingdom Come!