Love and Mercy
In my introduction page I say right away that I am selfish, a little mean and a little rude, stubborn, and conceited. I start with that to let you know to beware of those when you meet me or read my blog posts. That's the way the evil one gets to me because he thrives off my weaknesses. I know that's not who I really am but those are the ways in which I struggle. So in making a decision, even a simple one like eating after a certain hour when I know I shouldn't due to my GERD, the evil one would say, "It's OK, enjoy it, just take another pill if you need to." Or in other situations, to encourage the blind destruction of myself, he would say, "You work hard enough. Enjoy yourself! You deserve it." I would say, "Yeah. I do need to enjoy myself." Then later on I would be feeling guilty as ever or in the morning I would be like, 'I shouldn't have eaten before bed, now I am suffering from heartburn and I am just gaining more weight." I would even be going to Confession. Small decisions like that can have a detrimental effect that we may have to deal with for a long time. When I write posts, I do want you to see how weak I am, then you'll know how much can be overcome by choosing Jesus, especially through prayer.
You get more done by praying. Without prayer all the talk and opinions could create feelings and actions of confusion, dislike, and hate. They create hype that things need to get done right now, then you become impatient and irritable, and may even begin to blame others for not taking action right away. What happens when we think things need to get done now? For me, it would be using all my resources without reaching out for any kind of help because I want it done now and don't have time for anything else or anyone else, and then I get mad because I notice others don't see how important it is like I do. Then I start to harbor bitterness and that's never good. Without prayer, opinions are like throwing stones at a brick wall. It can be loud, hard, and make a connection but it's not effective.
What is the point of throwing stones at a brick wall? Sometimes others can see how passionate we are when they see how much force we use in throwing, but those stones eventually just drop to the ground. To pray and be effective is to use the stone for the building up of love and compassion. I can be passionate about having my thoughts heard, but I am more compassionate addressing the needs of others. Sometimes the solution is obvious, but our intentions are really choosing which stone we want. Sometimes we accept the stone that eventually drops because we have the intention of picking it up and throwing it at someone. You still get nowhere by throwing stones.
Sometimes we use the stone to build with the intention of creating a solid and stable foundation. Jesus is the solid and stable foundation. Through prayer comes acceptance, peace, patience, and the strength to build when we place Jesus as our cornerstone. Praying is our own personal connection to Jesus. So when we spend less time in prayer, it gives the evil one more time to tell us, "Choose that stone! Pick it up and throw it back at them. You deserve to be happy. Enjoy their pain because it took much force for you to throw it. They need to feel that pain to know what you went through." Then you end up living a life of throwing stones, constantly turning in circles waiting for a stone to be thrown back at you. If you build with Jesus, He gives you a house with a family, and an infinite love in which heaven can be felt. His house is one that withstands all storms and adversity.
Stones can hurt and build, so pray to accept them. People are going to be throwing stones at you all the time. Pray to use them to build and not to throw back. Praying is building on a solid and stable foundation, which is Jesus, and even though we still deal with stones being thrown at us, they become soft by the time they reach us. It's not that they don't matter, but that they are still useful. Somebody lying to us is a stone thrown at us and by the time it reaches us, Jesus shows us the usefulness of it. So we pick it up, feel how soft it's become through Jesus and say, "I can actually build with this. Thank you Jesus!"
I'm a stone thrower myself and have thrown stones plenty of times, even hitting others in the head with stones. I thought being strong was shown in that way but that way has no strength at all. Going to Confession takes courage and when Jesus allows me to see how weak I am, then it becomes an opportunity to give myself more fully to Him. When Jesus allows me to see the ways in which I struggle, He is saying, "You still won't crumble. I Am here and I love you." So then I see how my weakness is useful, especially for Jesus!
Bring others to Jesus through prayer. People brought people to Jesus many times, even busting through a ceiling. That never stops, even if we can't physically bring them, bringing them to Jesus through prayer is the same. Nothing is impossible for God.
Luke 10:38-42
As they continued their journey he entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me." The Lord said to her in reply, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her."
Matthew 21:42
Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the scriptures: 'The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes'? Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit. The one who falls on this stone will be dashed to pieces; and it will crush anyone on whom it falls."