Why So Angry--Bride?
We recently celebrated the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene, and as the reader went up to speak God’s Word for the Liturgy, my spirit was prompted to “LISTEN.” This came after my thoughts humanly were thinking ‘another monotone reader.’ My conscience or the Holy Spirit reminded me---“That doesn’t matter---you are still going to HEAR the Word of God. Listen!”
It was not the first reading however, but the Gospel where Words jumped out in my mind. “Woman, why are you weeping?”
Now, Mary had just come from inside a tomb and had just SEEN TWO ANGELS!!! But still ---she was weeping; for more important to her, than seeing angels----Jesus was not THERE!!
At first she responds to ‘the person asking the question’ thinking he is a gardener: “Where have you taken Him?” She does not recognize Jesus UNTIL He speaks her name.
My heart is smiling big time as I imagine the scene, and hear the lesson that the Holy Spirit wanted me to learn that morning.
All around me sometimes is an empty tomb—a world dark and scary. What is happening, what is going to happen? I am worried, anxious and sometimes I am crying: angry at life and circumstances coming my way. I don’t even see the Angels there to reassure me, all I see and feel is the emptiness in my heart for Jesus is not there.
If I were to ask “What have you done with Him,” the reply back would be comforting and understanding but right to the point. “Where have YOU put Him, what have you done to lose sight of His Presence right there beside and within you?”
All around us: in people and in life, is the Presence of Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. They are waiting and ready to help, sending love and mercy, wisdom and understanding---just waiting for us to SEE with eyes of faith and trust. Thank You God for opening my eyes and ears to Your Word.
Once more, again at Mass, I have been touched by His love and have heard the Voice of Jesus say—
“Woman, why are you weeping? It is okay, I am here.”