What A Miracle Confession Is!
June 9, 2014
Dear Father,
I apologize for my selfishness regarding your transfer from our parish and though I may not be as outspoken as some of the others, I let my disappointment show. I realize that just as we’ve become attached to you, you’ve grown close to us and attached to our parish. I wasn’t sensitive to the possibility that this move might be difficult for you or that you might find it hard to leave us especially with all the plans in progress for our parish and church renovation.
I wonder why Bishop chose to transfer you after being with us for only two years. Yet I feel confident that he has good reason, right judgment and being guided by the Holy Spirit.
Look forward to pastoring your new flock. How blessed are they!
Might not this be a blessing for all of us if we stay open to God? Who can see the future? We are not being orphaned. Jesus keeps telling me to stay with Him as my mind stresses over the loss of you. Jesus insists I focus on Him. He reminds me, “I will be with you always.” Although I wish Bishop wasn’t taking you away from us, I know he sees your value and is placing you where you’re most needed.
“Blessed the one who continually humbles himself willingly; he will be crowned by the One who willingly humbled himself for our sake.” St. Ephrem of Syria
I believe you’ll be happy at your new parish. If you have any doubt, trust God that this move is right for you. Certainly Bishop would want to keep you in a good frame of mind and he would be wise to have considered this among his many reasons for transferring you.
This quote is a good reminder for me and you as well, “'He who endures distress, will be granted joys; and he who bears with unpleasant things, will not be deprived of the pleasant.” St. Nilus of Sinai
I imagine Bishop knows this move will be beneficial for you and for your new parish. I sincerely believe this to be true. Your sheep will flourish under your guidance and you will grow also.
Thank you for being a good shepherd and leading me in the right direction in my spiritual life. You’ve given me a solid start to being the good person God wants me to be. I’ve grown closer to God under your guidance and will continue to grow after you’re gone.
Remember to pray for us. I’ll be praying for you for life.
God love you and may He give you a peaceful heart.
“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
--St. Francis de Sales
PS I want to add that your letters to us, the one you mailed to every family and the one in the bulletin, regarding your transfer were both helpful to me in coming to a resigned place in my heart to your leaving. This from you: “Like God called me to serve this parish, He has called me to minister elsewhere. And I would be a poor disciple and a great disappointment to everyone if I didn’t say ‘YES!’ to God.”
Which brings to my mind our Heavenly Mother conforming to God’s will, bearing her Son who also conformed to God’s will. Can we forget for one second what Jesus did for us? It’s not just your yes Father, it’s the yes of every one of us willing to open our heart and let God be God.
"There is no greater freedom than that of allowing oneself to be guided by the Holy Spirit, renouncing the attempt to plan and control everything to the last detail, and instead letting him enlighten, guide, and direct us, leading us wherever he wills. The Holy Spirit knows well what is needed in every time and place, This is what it means to be mysteriously fruitful!" (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium #280)