The Day Christ Died
Three men in appearance, maybe the image of the Trinity,
Visit Abraham and Sarah in their tent in Hebron.
Abraham is gracious, giving water and food;
So hospitable, so humble,
Abraham welcomes his guests.
A miracle conception is announced to the couple.
Angels will bid later the same good news:
A heavenly birth will be conceived to Mary of Nazareth.
Through Mary will come Jesus, the Messiah.
“Yes, is anything too hard for the Lord?”
The lord, “my Lord”; Abraham worships the One.
He has found favor with God.
His line reaffirmed;
Though Sarah laughs,
Isaac will be known as, “he who laughs.”
Two of the men, called angels by us,
Set off for Sodom to do the will of the Lord.
Abraham and the Lord remain;
The Lord reminding Abraham:
“Justice and righteousness shall prevail in the land.”
Abraham intercedes; bargaining with God;
Attempting to save the people of Sodom-
Not just his people but all human beings.
Reminding the Lord of his mercy;
“ You will grant this?” he begs.
Beginning with a high number, fifty in all:
“If only these faithful ones are found;
Spare then the population of Sodom.
Will you indeed destroy the righteous with the wicked?
I, who am but dust and ashes ask this of You.”
The Lord agrees;
“If fifty are found,
I, the judge of all the earth, will do right.
I will spare the city of mass destruction;
The righteous will save the wicked.”
Evil prevails in Sodom and Gomorrah;
Warnings to leave are given to Lot and his family.
The region is pulverized with flaming rocks of sulfur.
God has remembered Abraham and His promise;
Lot is rescued once again by his faithful uncle.
God’s judgement on sin is reaffirmed:
Destruction, rescue of single family,
Sexual sin by one saved with offspring hostile to Israel,
These parallel Noah’s flood event and its aftermath.
Man keeps repeating sin against God who loves man.