The Call to Be Poor
“This is God´s dream for his beloved creature: to see her fulfilled in the union of love between a man and a woman; happy in the common path, fruitful in the mutual giving.”Pope Francis
Pope Francis is insisting on the beauty of the family and in the care we must take so it can continue to be the base of our society. Although, in these days, it is threatened and the great threat is the gender ideology.
What is gender? Nowadays the word gender means “the reality that the roles of the man and the woman are social constructions subject to change.” In other words, there is not a natural man or a natural woman; there is not a combination of features neither an exclusive behavior of one sex only, not even in the life of the psyche.
The ones who propose this ideology want to affirm that the differences between a man and a woman do not correspond to a fixed nature that makes some human beings men and others women. They think, besides that, that the differences of the way of thinking, acting and valuing themselves are culture’s products of a country and of a determined time, that assign to each group of people a number of characteristics that explained by the convenience of the social’s structures of a certain society.
This way, each one should be “free” to choose if he or she wants to be a man, a woman or even both, without any social pressure.
The gender ideology bases itself in a neo-Marxist interpretation of history. It begins with Marx’s affirmation that all history is a class struggle, from the oppressor to the oppressed. The society will be totally rebuilt and a society without classes will arise, free of conflicts that will assure the utopic peace and prosperity for all.
For them, the family is the main stage of oppression, where the man oppresses the woman and the children, so the family needs to be destroyed through the elimination of the differences among the sexes: “…So to assure the elimination of sexual classes requires the revolt of the underclass (women) and the seizure of control of reproduction: not only the full restoration to women of ownership of their own bodies, but also their (temporary) seizure of control of human fertility – the new population biology as well as all the social institutions of child-bearing and child-rearing.And just as the end goal of socialist revolution was not only the elimination of the economic class privilege but of the economic class distinction itself, so the end goal of feminist revolution must be, unlike that of the first feminist movement, not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally.” (Shulamith Firestone)
For those passionate about this “new perspective,” there must be no distinctions, because any difference is suspect, evil and offensive. They say that all the differences between a man and a woman are social constructions and, therefore, need to be modified. They look to establish a total equality between man and woman without considering the natural differences between both, especially the sexual differences; even more, they relativize the notion of sex in such a way that, according to them, there are not two sexes, but many “sexual orientations.”
* Complete denial of the difference between men and women, polymorphous people (they take the form they wish)
* To make the human being lonely, without any bonds, incapable of relationships, so they can fulfill the emptiness with a compulsive consumerism.
To accomplish these goals they have this action agenda:
1.Women must work outside their homes. Domestic work such as taking care of the children and the husband is humiliating. Awoman must never depend on her husband, and to be personal fulfilled she must have a paid job.
“We think that no woman should have that option. It should not be allowed for any woman to stay home and take care of her children. The society must be totally different. Women should not have that option because if that option is available, many women will decide for it.”
2. Reproductive rights must be totally in the hands of the women, with access to all contraception´s technology and abortion.
3. To end with the idea of the family constituted by a man, a woman and children, because in this design, the man is the oppressor. The new “family” will be constituted by any persons who wish to live together and share the same home.
“(The young feminists)… wanted the freedom to design their current and future families in many ways, without penalties: to love women or men, to have sexual relations with one person at a time or many, to live with or without children, to have children in an artificial way. Only when it’s possible to invent families of all kinds – without the fear of being derided or self depreciated – the woman may hope to achieve the genuine individuality, more than the categorization as members stuck in a class of sex/gender.” (Ellen Herman)
4. Complete sexual liberty, that includes the right of sexual preference as a “new lifestyle.” This includes considering any type of sexual relations to be valid, and it does not exclude pedophilia, incest and even sexual relations with animals.
5. Maternity occupies much time from women, who don’t act strongly in the public life, this way the care of the children should be outsourced, through full time school since the first months after birth (daycare). Besides that, full-time school will help to decrease the influence of the family over the child.
6. Teach this ideology at schools, beginning in the first years, to avoid that the children can get a different mentality. Banishment of the feast days such as “Mother’s Day” or “Father’s Day.” The state must take care of education.
7. Replacement of the words father, mother, husband, wife for words “gender-neutral” (parent a, parent b). They ask that there shouldn’t be any difference of conduct or responsibilities between the man and the woman in the family. This is the category of the “roles socially built” which have the major importance because they consider that the experience “sex-specifics” in the family are the main cause of the system of class “sex/gender.”
8. To end with the traditional religions, because they are a human invention and the main religions were invented by men to oppress women. Therefore, the radical feminists postulate the new image of God as “Sophia”: the Feminine Wisdom. In this way, the “theologists of the gender feminists” propose to discover and worship not God, but the Goddess.
Christianity is an obstacle to the totalitarian state because it knows that is best to obey God than the men. This way, if they create a law contrary to the natural law, the Christian would disobey.
Unfortunately, this ideology gains more space in our society and bit by bit invades our homes, throwing its seeds specially in the heads of children and young people. Things are made in an obscure way, nothing is spoken clearly, so it could be easily accepted without people opposition.
It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Words such as freedom, tolerance, equality, reproductive rights, no discrimination, inclusion, are used to give an appearance of a good thing to this ideology.
The government (Brazilian) is already trying to create laws that officially implement this ideology in the schools, but in practice, it is already well rooted in our society. Let´s see what the society commonly accepts, even our own families:
We can say that if we repeat an idea long enough, even if it is a complete absurd, with the time we accept it as an incontestable “truth.”
Therefore, it is urgent the insurgence about the real absurd that this ideology represents, before it manages to accomplish its main goal: to destroy the family and its values.
Save the family at all costs!