Our Father, The Great Comforter
No one can serve two masters. You are not able to serve both God and mammon.
If you’re like me, you’ve heard these verses many times at church, and ask yourself: Is God your master or something else? Have you let mammon (wealth and money) master you?
Many of us are mastered by our treasures. Some, by our work and success. Others are mastered by people’s praise, attention, and approval. Our temporary, worldly gifts become very important to us. We like our stuff and lifestyles. We want to succeed and be recognized.
How do you know what you are mastered by? Ask yourself who or what comes first in your life. What do you prioritize as most important? What do you think about all the time? Where do you believe your security lies? What are you most fearful of losing? What would you give anything for? What are you giving your talents and gifts to? In what are you putting your trust?
If it’s not your faith or God, you’re probably mastered by it.
How do you loosen the grip of these things? A few thoughts…
Being mastered by anyone or anything other than God is living an empty life that will fall short of the holiness and goodness you are ultimately meant for. Take steps every day to make the Lord the master of your mind and heart, and watch it transform your life.