"Do You Want To Be Well?"
I know that everybody would love to see a bonifide true to life miracle. You know like, a person crippled for life getting up and walking again. Or someone resurrected—well maybe not---you may die of a heart attack seeing that miracle.
I know you know what I mean, oh but to be sure, here is the definition of a Miracle from Wikipedia.
"A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws.[1] Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (a deity), magic, a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader.
Informally, the word "miracle" is often used to characterize any beneficial event that is statistically unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature, such as surviving a natural disaster, or simply a "wonderful" occurrence, regardless of likelihood, such as a birth. Other such miracles might be: survival of an illness diagnosed as terminal, escaping a life-threatening situation or 'beating the odds'. Some coincidences may be seen as miracles.[2]
A true miracle would, by definition, be a non-natural phenomenon, leading many rational and scientific thinkers to dismiss them as physically impossible. God regularly works through nature yet, as a creator, is free to work without, above, or against it as well. The possibility and probability of miracles are then equal to the possibility and probability of the existence of God.[3]"
Now we all can agree to what a Miracle is, and we all would love to witness a true miracle. You do!! Each and every day and every moment of the day there are Miracles that you are unaware of, miracles that you may consider “Nah, that was just a coincidence ---or an ordinary occurrence,” they are everywhere!
Miracle example 1. You arrived to your destination.
“What? That’s no miracle”, you say? How do you know that the red light you were stopped at, or the slow traffic, or your flat tire---unknown to you that happened to keep you from being at the wrong place at the wrong time. You were not involved in a collision that would have taken your life. Ah, ah, ah before disagreeing ----how 100% sure are you that wasn’t why things happened or didn’t happen that day.
I was flying into Atlanta Georgia one day and looking out the window of the plan and saw all these planes in the air lining up to come down. “Whoa,” I thought would you look at all the planes!” Immediately the thought was sent to my mind---“You should see all the Angels out there protecting them from colliding.” I smiled knowing it was true because of His promises God keeps.
Miracle 2.) God leads our every step. You go unexpectedly to store, church, anywhere and because you do, you are at the right place, right time for God to use you to touch the life of another person, even if only with your smile and a comment you make. (Are you starting to grasp what a mini Miracle is, or still being skeptical? Perhaps you are somewhere to actually save a life by calling for help, or rescuing an animal in harm’s way.
Miracle 3.) Anytime I am able to love again after getting angry ---that is a miracle! Admit it, you know you may feel like choking someone who you live with, work with, or just see out and about in your life. You can get really angry, especially if they have offended you. But you love God, so you seek His Word or grace---and next thing you know that loved one is hugged again as you realize, I am just a guilty of being offensive that they are.
In our early marriage, the comment “Don’t let the dog lie on that bed,” in a nagging tone---triggered anger and someone becoming ballistic and I ended up with in ER with broke nose. (Don’t worry this behavior is past history---God has dealt with it.) As we drove home, I prayed for God to help me forgive him, for I could not, being the human I was. Into my mind—“Think of what he must be feeling right now, he loves you and knows he was really bad to do what he did, and he doesn’t know how to fix it. He also is afraid of losing you.” Because of those words we were able to talk about what happened, see the triggers, and the inner hurts from the past. This event and miracle in a different way continues to help us to resolve any disagreement to this day. There is no hitting involved but we can still ‘talk real loud’ when we are triggered and we know how to begin again to heal from any angry venting thanks to Divine intervention.
This blog is getting long---but what God wants me say to you through it ---"Many, mini, miracles are happening at all times in your life. I AM ALWAYS with you---this being the biggest miracle of all—in every breath you take, every step you take I AM WITH YOU! I am here to lead, to guide and USE you all throughout the day. Believe it---you are a miracle and miracles are with you all around at all times. Oh you must believe though to see the miracles. Pray for that miracle to believe to come into your life, my child."
Oh how lovely this thought---first we must be lost, to be found, to doubt—to first believe. Even in your disbelief a miracle has just begun. Yea God!! Peace be with us always.