Star Wars Analogies for the Catholic Faith
All Saints and the Protestant Rebellion, Begun All Hallows Eve
All Saints is also about Communion. The communion of Saints, a dogma. Those on earth have communion when they believe the same and worship the same.
November 1st is the day after October 31st. On that day in 1517, Martin Luther began the most devastating destruction and confounding of Christian communion that has ever been.
On either side of this great age, there are two ways to turn: the fullness of communion, Catholicism, on the left, and the supernatural loss of Christian faith on the right.
For the one who desires to still be Christian in light of the unbelievable confounding and division in Protestantism, they have one choice: step to the left, the Catholic Church, whose Bishops, though sinners, have been protected infallibly by the Spirit with Peter to properly understand Scripture.
Or if one is to be further disillusioned, one steps to the right: because Scripture is confounding unfathomably, I will reject Scripture and retain only Reason, only a generic God, who made everything and has instituted laws, but is aloof, neither revealing nor assisting.
Hence, did Christ know, even in His Human Nature, that the unity of His Disciples, or lack thereof, would have apocalyptic consequences for His Father's Divine Plan.
For is not epic Christian Division a great factor that led to the so-called "Enlightenment"?
Hence, Jesus' prayer that they all be one, in order that the world may believe that the Father sent Him really implies a general rule: to the degree that Christians are united, the world will be able to have faith, and to the degree they are not, they world will NOT be able to believe.
Hence, why the mystics say the age of peace will attend the reunion of Christians.
Jesus, please reunite your Father's Childlren to enable the world to come back to you and your Father and be sanctified by the Spirit, Amen!