Anxiety does not come from God. It comes from the worry and pride of placing the worldly and material above the divine and Heavenly.
If we want to be free from anxiety then we must give our Hearts to God. Most of us are unwilling to do that. Sure we say we love God, we post a meme or a quote about it on Facebook, and then neglect our inner prayer life and our obligations as Catholics.
Pride and the desire to obtain everything we can and put ourselves on a pedestal to elevate ourselves as equal, and therefore as rivals to God, is the path that Satan leads us down. Why, because we adore and worship him more than we do our Heavenly Father. I we don’t even realize we are doing it.
What is our priority? What do we think about? What do we spend our money on? Where do we spend our time? That reveals what we truly value and adore.
We must not be fooled by Heretics who play to our passions and not our intellect. Who tell us what we want to hear instead of what is hard to here, and even more difficult to then do.
Jesus comes to us humbly, lowly as a baby. He doesn’t want us on that pedestal climbing toward Heaven enveloped in material wealth and pleasures to become equal to him. He wants us to humbly bow low, and serve him. He condescends his very being to give himself to us whole. He comes as our servant. He expects the same from us mere creatures. He wants us to become one with him, his treasured children, and his prizes; so much better than just a counterpart. We become a part of the cornerstone.
As Advent approaches, we must work to lose our pride and surrender to him. We won’t just find a peace and joy that we would never expect from this World, but an unimaginable existence in the next. An existence our minds cannot even comprehend.
Let’s leave our anxiety behind, and give our Hearts totally to Jesus. We won’t just find joy here on Earth in the remainder of his creation, we will find our eternal reward in his promises and herald. We can become Christ’s Kingdom here on Earth.
Heaven is obtainable, so is an eternity without it. It is our choice. It seems like an easy one to me, working toward and for the divine is the hard part. He will be with us every step of the way though, just look at the Cross and what he has left behind for us. Isn’t his love and promises evident for the eyes that want to see and strive to know him?