Do Not Limit God Working Within You!
Humility is looked upon positively, but none of us seem to really want humility. Some of it comes from an incorrect view of humility, but most of it comes from pride. The incorrect view of humility that I speak of is thinking less of ourselves. As I have heard it said, true humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.
When we think of ourselves less, we tend to see things as they are rather than how we want to see them. I often think that I am right and close myself to the possibility of being wrong. Even if presented with the truth, I might reject it. However, if I have an open mind about disagreements, I have a humility that I might not be correct. That doesn't mean our view(s) will change, but our openness to being wrong shows our humility or lack thereof.
We are so very hypocritical when we see pride in others and call it for what it is, but still cling to our own pride. As Jesus says, “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?” – [Luke 6:41] We may be able to see their pride while trying to hide our pride from others.
There are many forms of pride. Maybe you think of yourself as a great cook and do not accept other non-experienced cooks’ ideas. We all most likely have a form of pride that attaches to us. In letting go of our pride, we must remember that by being open to disagreements, that does not mean that we are going to be proven wrong. Perhaps, we are right, but being open to the possibility of wrong is a great act of humility.
Lord Jesus, help me to let go of my pride and teach me Your Truth’s.