Eugenics Voters: Are You One?
You are in charge of your family traditions... make them cherished moments, not required burdens.
I highly suggest, each year, introducing or adding only one or two "traditions" to your family's observance of Advent and celebration of Christmas.
Why? There's so much to do!!! Ok, I'm part of the DC Metro Area, when I say there's so much to do, I literally mean there. is. so. much. to. do.
Exercise your "No" daily.
There are SO many wonderful Advent Traditions, wonderful Christmas Traditions for families, yet so easily these activities can become burdens not just for adolescents or teenagers, but for moms, dads, infants, and toddlers.
Set your boundaries.
Schedule a number of appropriate ways to prepare your hearts each Advent.
Don't overburden the attempts.
We do the Advent wreath. Our prayer is very short. Why?
Because we also do the Jesse Tree, and that reading is typically at least 5 minutes.
One year, I wanted my family to go see my childhood Santa on the fire truck, take part in caroling, go to the National Christmas tree, and find a Bethlehem Walk. Guess what? It was WAY too much.
The Holy Family was simple, and technically homeless just before Our Lord's birth.
They had only one thing they cared about - Jesus - and welcoming him into our world in a warm, safe place.
Let's make sure that the one main thing we care about is Jesus and preparing our hearts to receive him.
Let's schedule sparingly.
Let's keep a close eye on over-committing and overwhelming schedules.
Top 4 Things TO DO during Advent:
Confession (it's a penitential season just like Lent)
Advent Wreath
Jesse Tree
Celebrate Advent during Advent and Christmas during Christmas
And now...
10 Things I LOVE to do During Advent and Christmas
Buy this book.
I know the author; she is awesome!
Very clear about level of difficulty for each activity: Easy, Medium, Hard.
Very clear about time commitment.
SO much info on traditions!
I went through the book and grabbed 3 Easy projects and did those - St. Lucy's Eyes, Chocolate Nativity Scene, and Mexican Hot Chocolate.
Mmmm... ok, now I wanna make these again!
Holy Heroes
Advent Adventure got me started with them 7 years ago.
They do a VERY super simple Jesse Tree, which really helps for families who want to do this preparing your hearts Scriptural Salvation History tradition.
Jesse Tree
Get out JUST your Christmas Tree (or buy fresh), but DO NOT decorate with lights or ornaments. (Or maybe just a few lights for added effect.
Basically, each day covers a part of Old Testament Scripture referencing the coming of Christ. And each day you get to put up an "ornament" that symbolizes the scripture reading for the day. For example: whale for Jonah, earth for Creation, snake for the First Sin, etc.
Very easy. Lots of resources out there for it.
On Christmas Day...
We sing Jesus Happy Birthday, and then we eat birthday cake for breakfast while opening presents. Really! No joke! Cake for Breakfast.